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Looking for insight on a specific topic but don't have time to search through multiple seasons or listen to an entire episode hoping to find what you are looking for?

Badass Is The New Black (Season 6) Episode #26 - How to Design a Logo from Scratch: Understanding Design Psychology branding and website design Jun 26, 2024

This episode is loaded with valuable information about creating a logo, what you need to know from color, shape, and font psychology to what logo variations are necessary for your business from the gifted design and branding expert, Claire VanBemmelen. Before we dive in, we have a great gift for you. Claire put together a brand guide and Canva template and training to help you come up with your unique brand, colors, fonts, and aesthetics to stand out amongst the crowd while drawing in the...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 6) Episode #17 - 3 Mistakes When Creating Your Brand Identity branding and website design Apr 24, 2024





3 Mistakes When Creating Your Brand Identity


I am so excited for today's episode where I dive into a hot topic with my business partner (and sister), Claire VanBemmelen. Claire's an expert in all things branding, brand identity, and design. We're going to talk about three common mistakes people make when creating their brand identity, and trust me, you don't want to miss it! Make sure you read to the end for our tips on how to...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 6) Episode #8 - Does having a website really matter for your business? branding and website design Feb 21, 2024






As someone deeply involved in the world of online business and branding, I often find myself pondering questions that I know many entrepreneurs grapple with. One of the recurring themes lately has been the relevance of websites in today's digital landscape. With the rise of social media platforms and simplified landing pages, some might wonder: do we really need a full-fledged website anymore?

Here’s why I believe having a website for your...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 6) Episode #7 - Why and When to Rebrand Your Business and Website branding and website design Feb 14, 2024






Welcome to the Badass is the New Black podcast, where we embrace the motto "done is better than perfect." I'm Krissy Chin, and my mission is simple: to help you grow your business online, turn leads into loyal customers, and scale to six figures and beyond, all while working less and enjoying life more. 

Today, I'm thrilled to share my recent journey of rebranding with you... so let's dive in!


1. What is a Rebrand?

A rebrand involves...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 5) Episode #33 - The Power of Good Design (Part 6 of 6) branding and website design Sep 20, 2023

Welcome back to the "Bad Ass is the New Black" podcast! I'm your host, Krissy Chin, and we're diving into Part Six of our six-part series on building a blissful business. If you haven't already signed up for our upcoming master class, "How to Automate Your Online Business and Increase Sales While You Sleep," I urge you to pause this episode and head over to The link is also available in the show notes or beneath this video on YouTube.




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Badass Is The New Black (Season 5) Episode #18 - New Kajabi Features (AI - Creator Studio, Kajabi Pay) + recap of the Kajabi Hero Live Event branding and website design Jun 07, 2023

This week I'm sharing my experiences from the Kajabi Hero Live Event that I just attended. I got to hear about some amazing updates coming to the platform plus I met some truly inspiring people that I want to share with you.




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What is up, my friends? Welcome back to the Badass is the New Black podcast. I'm your host, Krissy Chin. I just got back from an incredible, incredible convention that Kajabi held called the Kajabi Hero Live...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 4) Episode #9- Building a Brand That Supports Multiple Passions branding and website design Apr 13, 2022

Do you have multiple businesses or different passions and are struggling to figure out how to blend them into one? Maybe you're wondering if you need to have a different website for each? This week I'm speaking to entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs about how to create a brand that encompasses all your different income streams.


Watch the episode here:

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Building a Brand That Supports Multiple Passions

Today we are going to...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 4) Episode #8- Designing Your Website To Convert with Claire VanBemmelen branding and website design Apr 06, 2022

Is the design of your website turning people away before they even read anything? Last week we discussed the importance of good copy, but this week we are going to talk about designing your site so that people actually stick around to read your copy! I am interviewing my sister, business partner and design expert, Claire VanBemmelen to get her best tips for website design!


Watch the episode here:

Listen to the podcast here:

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Designing Your Website to Convert with...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 3) Episode #27 Why You Need To Trademark Your Brand With Sarah Waldbuesser branding and website design Mar 14, 2022

It’s very beneficial to trademark your brand for protection. How do you know it’s time for a trademark for your business? Dive into the topic of trademarking with Sarah Waldbuesser and Krissy Chin as they elaborate on the value it brings to any business and how you could differentiate your business from others. Sarah is an attorney and an online business owner. She shares her entrepreneurial journey, how she learned and figured out her niche. Moreover,...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 3) Episode #2: Killer Organizational Hacks And Professional Sales Page Design Tips With Tiffanie Teel, Expert Web Designer branding and website design Mar 12, 2022

As an entrepreneur, you should never let your messiness get in the way of building a blissful business. In this episode, Krissy Chin brings in expert web designer, Tiffanie Teel, who shares with us some killer tips to stay organized. If your desktop is filled with images, documents and videos galore, you will love adopting these organizational hacks. She also shares her expert tips with the key elements to a website and sales page that will lead more people to the sales button. You will also...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 2) Episode #32: Top 10 Things Your Brand Needs To Be Successful branding and website design Mar 12, 2022


(Season 2) Episode #32: Top 10 Things Your Brand Needs To Be Successful


Building a successful brand takes some work that is for sure!

But it does not have to be complicated and in fact, I have taken the time to break down the TOP 10 Things you need in your brand to be successful.

If you will begin building your brand with these 10 things checked off the list you will build a highly attractive and strong brand!

Don't forget to Register for- Stand Out a totally FREE Virtual...
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