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Looking for insight on a specific topic but don't have time to search through multiple seasons or listen to an entire episode hoping to find what you are looking for?

Badass Is The New Black (Season 6) Episode #25 - Automate Your Business: Lead Generation, Sales, Onboarding automation and time-saving business strategies Jun 19, 2024

Envision this, I am standing at the sink. I'm filling up a pot of water because I'm about to make my kids some dinner and the water's running into the pot and all of a sudden my watch vibrates and dings and an email comes through and it says, congratulations. You have another student, or you have a new student. And I looked down at my watch and I just think to myself,

Ugh, it's working. It's working. The automations are working. Here I am making dinner for my kids and I've spent the afternoon...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 6) Episode #16 - How to Use ChatGPT as a Personal Assistant automation and time-saving business strategies Apr 17, 2024





How to Use ChatGPT as a Personal Assistant

Hey there, it's Krissy Chin and today I'm excited to share some insider tips on how I've been using AI, specifically ChatGPT, as my personal assistant. You might think AI is just for business, but let me tell you, it's been a game-changer in my personal life too. We will keep this short and sweet, but here are four out-of-the-box ideas you can use with ChatGPT to help you stay on track and...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 6) Episode #6 - The Fastest Way to Get Clarity in Your Business automation and time-saving business strategies Feb 07, 2024






Hey there! I'm Krissy Chin, and I'm thrilled to welcome you to the Badass is the New Black podcast. Before we dive into today's episode, I want to extend a special invitation to an upcoming masterclass happening on February 27th. It's titled "How to Automate Your Online Business and Sell While You Sleep." CLICK HERE to register... trust me; you don't want to miss this!


Embracing Imperfect Action: My Journey to Clarity

I'm all about...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 5) Episode #31 - The Power of Automated Funnels for Your Business (Part 4 of 6) automation and time-saving business strategies Sep 06, 2023

Welcome back to the podcast! Today marks an exciting juncture as we delve into part four of our immersive six-week series – a transformative journey aimed at crafting your very own blissful business.



Recap and Reconnect: Part 1, 2, and 3 In case you've just joined us, let's take a moment to catch you up. Our earlier episodes have been a revelation:

  • Part 1 uncovered the core element holding you back from business success.
  • Part 2 highlighted a crucial but often...
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Badass Is The New Black (Season 5) Episode #30 - Develop An Offer So Good It Sells Itself (Part 3 of 6) automation and time-saving business strategies Aug 30, 2023

Welcome back to our Build a Blissful Business series! If you've been following along, you already know we're on a journey to help you create a business that not only thrives but brings joy and fulfillment. In our previous installments, we've explored why time seems to slip through our fingers when it comes to business, how to infuse enjoyment into your entrepreneurial journey, and the secrets to boosting your sales.



Today, we're delving into the heart of your...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 5) Episode #25 - How To Get Paid To Create Your First Evergreen Course automation and time-saving business strategies Jul 26, 2023

Exciting News! Ready to turn your expertise into a steady income stream? In this episode of Badass is the New Black, we dive deep into the world of Evergreen Courses and how you can start getting paid to share your knowledge!




Are you ready to turn your expertise into a sustainable source of income? Creating an Evergreen Course can be the game-changer you need to monetize your knowledge and reach a wider audience. In this blog post, we'll walk you through...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 5) Episode #22 - Summer Survival Guide: Mastering Time Management with Kids at Home automation and time-saving business strategies Jul 05, 2023

Discover essential time management tips for balancing your business responsibilities and spending quality time with your kids during the summer. Maximize productivity and create a harmonious work-life balance with my Summer Survival Guide.



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Summertime brings joy and excitement as kids take a break from school and families embark on vacations and outdoor adventures. However, for entrepreneurs and business owners, balancing work...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 5) Episode #14 - How to Crush a Live Launch Stress Free automation and time-saving business strategies May 10, 2023

If you have ever done a live launch or have one coming up, you know how stressful they can be. There are so many things to think about and remember. Today I'm going to share my best tips for absolutely crushing your launch STRESS FREE.



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What is up, my friend? I know I took a week off the podcast. I was settling from the huge launch that we had, which was incredibly exciting. It was a lot going on and really I just needed some time to take a nap...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 5) Episode #2 - 5 Ideas for Freebie Opt-Ins to Help Coaches and Course Creators Grow Your Email List automation and time-saving business strategies Feb 08, 2023

You’ve probably heard the marketing advice to “grow your email list” before, but how? There are a variety of strategies you can use to get people to hand over their email address so you can start showing up in their inbox and turning those leads into paying customers.



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The inbox is one of the most engaged audiences you have. It’s not like social media where you are scrolling through a bunch of...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 4) Episode #28 - How cultivating an email list can increase your profits in the long run with Tamika Auwai automation and time-saving business strategies Nov 09, 2022

Muse. Magician. Mentor. Marketer. Creative. These are the most common words that precede an introduction to Tamika Auwai. Tamika is the CEO of Orisha Creative, AND the creator of The Nurture Matrix™, an evergreen nurture marketing framework that’s revolutionizing the way Master Coaches approach email marketing, generating millions in additional revenue along the way. 

I brought Tamika on to Talk about nurture marketing vs sales marketing!

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How cultivating...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 4) Episode #23- Q&A with Krissy: How do I know which online offering to create first? automation and time-saving business strategies Aug 24, 2022

In this week's podcast, I am answering listener Stephanie Westfall’s question about creating an online program!  She wants to take her knowledge and skills in Yoga, Meditation, and breathwork and create an online offering but doesn’t know what to create first and doesn’t want to spend a ton of time and effort on creating something that no one will buy.

Maybe you have asked yourself these questions or felt this way too. 

What do I create first?

What if no one...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 4) Episode #22- Tips For Backing Up Your Content automation and time-saving business strategies Aug 17, 2022

Most people talk about protecting your business from other people stealing your work. Have good terms and conditions, and it’s true, but what about protecting your content from loss or being deleted? 

The recent loss of my IG account has me thinking more and more about backing up my content and HOW to back it up. 

Tune in to today’s episode to learn more about WHAT to back up in your business and some of my favorite platforms to use to back up content. 



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Badass Is The New Black (Season 4) Episode #20- Owning Your Energy & Human Design with Jenna Rossi automation and time-saving business strategies Jun 29, 2022

Jenna Rossi is an energy coach and human design guide here to help humans live their spirit expression through exploring and owning their unique individual energy. Jenna reminds distracted minds of their true purpose and gets people back to play. Even with years of her own experimentation and study, she believes the most valuable credential that she can give you is her Jenna energy.


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Owning Your Energy & Human...

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