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Badass Is The New Black (Season 3) Episode #22 Should Your Business Go Digital? small business growth and marketing strategies Mar 12, 2022

Is going digital worth it? Current events have forced people to get on the internet more and more, so should your business follow suit? Krissy Chin shares her insights on bringing your business online and asks: Are digital products the future? Krissy gives pointers how to start your own online business and reveals the right mindset you need to run one. This episode is a must-listen if you are contemplating starting up your own business online or are thinking of bringing an already existing...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 3) Episode #21 Learn How To Build Confidence Through The Use Of Video With Jack Revell small business growth and marketing strategies Mar 12, 2022

A lot of people are afraid of being in video for many good reasons. Maybe you don’t have the right confidence or are afraid of the amount of “internet trolls” that will just laugh at you online. None of that scares Jack Revell, who lives to be in front of a camera. Jack is the founder of Jack Revell Coaching where he helps entrepreneurs succeed in building online businesses by using the medium of video to create a powerful personal brand....

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 3) Episode #19 Creating Fun Personality Quizzes To Attract More Leads With Linda Sidhu small business growth and marketing strategies Mar 12, 2022

Are you one of those people who would gladly trade their email to find out what spirit animal they are, what celebrity they look like, or what their master craft is? There are a lot of others who would gladly trade their email for these fun personality quizzes too! If you aren’t leveraging a quiz of your own to grow your email list and sell more, it’s time you start thinking about it. Krissy Chin now brings in a quiz expert to give you some insights on creating a quiz funnel for...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 3) Episode #18 Building A Well-Planned Exit Strategy With Michelle Seiler Tucker small business growth and marketing strategies Mar 12, 2022

You have probably never thought about selling your business, or thought it was possible. But if you build your business with the intention to exit your business, you will build one that runs without you there, has your customers talking about you to everyone, and keeps your bank account growing. You know this is what you want or you wouldn't be here listening to Badass is the New Black. So while you might not have thought about selling before, do yourself a favor and keep listening to hear...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 3) Episode #16 Is Clubhouse The Next Best Thing For Your Business? With Melissa Litchfield small business growth and marketing strategies Mar 12, 2022

If you’re one of the many entrepreneurs who are wondering right now if Clubhouse is worth their time, then you have come to the right place. Krissy Chin brings in Melissa Litchfield, a digital advertising specialist, to explain what the Clubhouse hype is all about and how you can use it to build quality leads for your business. While you may be groaning, “Oh, not another social platform,” this episode is going to show why you might actually love this platform way more than...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 3) Episode #14 Marketing Your Brand Through Books With Amelia Forczak small business growth and marketing strategies Mar 12, 2022

People write books for different reasons. For some, it's personal fulfillment or checking off a bucket list item. For others, it’s to market their brand or business. If you want a way to become more established in your niche or be able to raise your prices, then this episode is for you! You might not have ever thought about becoming an author, but Krissy Chin brings on Amelia Forczak, a New York Times bestselling ghostwriter, to share WHY you just might want to consider it. You...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 3) Episode #13 How To Start A Podcast On A Shoestring Budget With Samantha Lee Wright small business growth and marketing strategies Mar 12, 2022

Anyone with a microphone and a computer can start a podcast. No kidding. You will never believe how common it is for some of the top podcasters to start on a shoestring budget and yet rock their niche enough to get them to the top. The Essential Oil Revolution is a perfect example of such a show. From humble beginnings, Samantha Lee Wright grew the show into the number one podcast in its category in just a few weeks. Joining Krissy Chin for a chat, Samantha gets you up to speed on the most...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 3) Episode #10: How To Fast-Track Your Success Using The Power Of The Internet With Jeff Lerner small business growth and marketing strategies Mar 12, 2022

Although the road to success is certainly a long and winding one, entrepreneurs still want to find the fastest way to get to the finish line. For Jeff Lerner, leveraging the power of the internet and delving into digital real estate is one thing every business owner should take into consideration. Sitting down with Krissy Chin, the Founder of ENTRE Institute talks about his career shift from being a musician to an entrepreneur, how he used the online community to fast-track his success,...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 3) Episode #6 Solopreneurs Guide On How To Get Started Setting Up Systems In Business With Jordan Gill small business growth and marketing strategies Mar 12, 2022

Nothing makes life easier, especially in business, than having a system where you can streamline, automate, and manage your processes, files, tasks, and more. Helping one-woman shows become streamlined solopreneurs, Jordan Gill founded Systems Saved Me. In this episode, she joins Krissy Chin to talk about how you can get started setting up systems for your business, onboard clients, and more. Just because you’re running your business solo doesn’t mean you have to do it all....

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 3) Episode #5: Cooking Up A New Creative Business During A Pandemic With Crystal Gale small business growth and marketing strategies Mar 12, 2022

What could be more tragic than losing your job in the middle of a global pandemic and on your birthday no less? One of Krissy Chin’s students went through that experience but quickly shifted to build her own business and become a creative entrepreneur. Crystal Gale was a cook before she lost that job when COVID-19 hit the restaurant business hard in her native Australia. In this episode she shares how she was able to cook up her own business from home, the struggles that she had to...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 2) Episode #31: Affiliate Marketing, What, the Why, the Opportunity for You small business growth and marketing strategies Mar 12, 2022


 (Season 2) Episode #31: Affiliate Marketing, What, the Why, the Opportunity for You


What is Affiliate Marketing?
How can you become an affiliate and make money passively??
In this episode, we chat all things affiliate marketing including an opportunity that I have for you to become an affiliate and start making money today!!
Don't forget to Register for- Stand Out a totally FREE Virtual Summit that will help you stand out online in this...
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Badass Is The New Black (Season 2) Episode # 30: How To Stand Out From Your Competition small business growth and marketing strategies Mar 12, 2022

(Season 2) Episode #30: How To Stand Out From Your Competition


Are you in a saturated market?

We built a million-dollar brand on an 8K email list.

So, the quick and dirty is NO you are not in a saturated market because there are BILLIONS of people out there and you need a tiny speck of those people to love you and trust you in order to be very successful.

BUT while you aren’t in a saturated market, you have a lot of competition. And so the key is really about standing OUT in...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 2) Episode #28: How we made $127K in one Calendar Month small business growth and marketing strategies Mar 12, 2022



(Season 2) Episode #28: How we made $127K in one Calendar Month 

I want to give you 4 things we did to make $127K in our business online in ONLY one month!

These 4 things are simple and no matter where you are in your business building efforts you can also use these 4 things to build your business and increase your profits.

Grab My Free Gift: 5 Steps To Building A Killer Email List:



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