One-Page Website in a Day

Badass Is The New Black (Season 6) Episode #27 - How to Write a Sales Page That Converts with Marisa Corcoran

brand messaging Jul 03, 2024

Ooh, in this episode we get into sales pages. Who needs them, who doesn't, how long to make them, when to create a sales page, which will actually shock you because it is not what you think, and how to use them the right way for all personality types to increase conversions. It's a hot topic and I brought in the best of the best when it comes to copywriting.

So stick with me as Marisa Corcoran and I dive into all things sales pages.







If you are ready to discover what to say and how to say it to magnetically attract your dream clients, then you need Marisa Corcoran in your corner.

In addition to writing the words that get landing pages converting at 60% or higher and crafting personality filled emails, Marisa helps coaches and creatives craft their uncopyable message inside her signature program, the Copy Confidence Society. She's also the creator of the wildly popular summit, The Copy Chat, which has raised over $120,000 for organizations like Soul Fire Farm, the Headstrong Project, and Sage USA. When not click clacking on her laptop, on her All American Road trip this year, you can find this Harvard grad analyzing a Real Housewives episode like it's a government policy and consuming inappropriate amounts of Nutrageous candy bars. 

Marisa, welcome. I'm so excited to have you here. 


Thank you, Krissy. Thanks for having me. I feel like I need a Nutrageous, and maybe your listeners, I don't know what your favorite candy bar is out there, but whenever I see a Nutrageous candy bar, I have to buy one. You don't see them everywhere. So I feel like today I might go on the hunt for a Nutrageous candy bar. 


Oh My God, I love it. I'm a Butterfinger girl, so…


I support that. I love a Butterfinger, like at Halloween, the little Butterfingers. Forget it. 


Yes, with my kids, I'm like, give me all your Butterfingers. 


Yep. I think, yeah, and I am sure your listeners might have like their favorite. I feel like when you see that favorite one, you know, for me at Halloween, it's like the Reese's the Pumpkins, the Reese's Peanut Butter Pumpkins, you know? 


Yes, yes. 


I mean, really, there's not really a candy I won't… I mean, I'd like to say like, oh, I don't like that one, but I'll eat it. Throw me a 3 Musketeers also, I'll eat it. 

I think Almond Joy…


Almond Joy is one of my favorites, by the way. 


Okay, well I'll pass all of those over from my kids to you. 


I love coconut. Okay. Yeah, this Halloween I want it. I want the coconut. I love anything coconut, so I'm your girl. 


Amazing. Amazing. Well, y'all, I think you're getting an idea of like why I love Marisa so much. She's just so amazing, so fun to talk to. We met in the Mixer Mind, which I know y'all have heard me, if you've been listening, you've been hearing me talk about and bringing just these amazing women into our space so that you can get to know them and learn from them. We were in a really small pod together for the first four months and I've just loved getting to know you, love everything that you teach and how you teach and how you serve your community so well. Which, you know, after getting to know you, I was like, okay, hands down must bring you inside to our Access the Expert series. So if you're new here listening, you might not have heard of this before. You're like, what is Access the Experts? But it's a series that Claire and I are putting on or have been putting on to bring in an expert every single month and they deep dive into a topic in their area of expertise from, taxes to SEO to Neurolinguistic Programming to teach you far beyond what Claire and I could and give you the opportunity to ask these amazing experts anything.

I've had access to Marisa to talk to her about, you know, business and copy. And it was just so valuable to me and it was like, I wanna give you all the opportunity to be able to ask her questions as well. So Marisa is our July expert and she'll be doing a deep dive into writing sizzling copy for sales pages happening July 10th. You can use the link below this video and in the show notes to grab your virtual seat for free. And yes, you can share it with your friends. So please by all means share this with your business bestie. The more the merrier. We both, I think kind of live by that, right? Like invite the people in, right? Everyone needs to know. 


Get instant, lifetime access to our Access the Experts training with Marisa Corcoran.

Access the Experts image How to write a sales page with marisa corcoran


So Marisa, we are gonna talk about sales pages today and help get our listeners ready for the Access the Experts training. But I would love to have you share a little bit more about how you got here doing what you're doing, teaching your community about how to write sizzling copy. 


Yeah, it's such a, you know, it's such a great question. I always say that Winnie the Pooh, yes, the cartoon, the bear kind of broke me. So I was trained as an actor. I got my MFA in acting from Harvard University and I was auditioning and I was writing copy actually, I kind of fell into it kind of writing for people.

This is back in 2013, so I always joke and say the internet was, the online space was kind of the wild wild west, even though it still is. Right? And I kind of, you know, failed my way forward. You know, I write a website for somebody, figured out how to do websites, okay. I started writing sales page copy, you know, so that was kind of like my side job. And then I'll never forget, I had this audition for Winnie the Pooh, and I was so excited to play the character of Rabbit and I worked really, really hard for Rabbit. And I decided that Rabbit was gonna be like this kind of like Italian, like cross between like this Italian comic Sebastian Maniscalco and like Marissa Tome from my cousin Vinny. And I worked like super hard on this character. And then there was a mix up, like they didn't need me to come to audition, whatever the reason was, they didn't need me. And I remember just standing in my kitchen, I had overalls on, 'cause I thought like that's what Rabbit would wear, is like overalls. And I just started taking the overalls off one by one in my kitchen until I was just standing there like, I don't wanna do this anymore. I felt like my fate was always in the hands of someone else. And so at that point I really turned my attention. I was like, okay, there can be, this was plan B, like I'm gonna turn my attention to writing full-time, but there could be no plan C. 

And then I was writing for a few months for my clients, and my clients were really getting really great results. They were getting, you know, the gateway to kind of a hundred thousand dollar launches that they were doing with their emails. We were getting really high, like we're talking about opt-in, you know, their opt-in conversion rates. And so I knew I was onto something, so I started to apply this actor's guide to copy that everything that makes you a compelling actor on stage makes you a superstar for your business.

And that's really how I came up with all of our frameworks and everything that we talk about. And that's how the Copy Confidence Society was born was really to help my private clients like how they could do this for themselves. Because you're always gonna be writing copy for your business. Always. So how could they know, you know, that an email was great or that this social post was gonna work. And so I was kind of showing them in the background this actor's guide to copy. And then that's what became the Copy Confidence Society, which premiered in 2019. And now we've launched the Society 12 times, we've supported close to 800 business owners inside of the society. And it all goes back to the day that I was just like, got rejected from this Winnie the Pooh audition.


Stripped down from your overalls…


Yeah, stripped down from my overalls to like, okay, let's go. And, I actually found that I was really happy when I was writing for my clients. That was the thing, in those months between acting before I really, 'cause at that time I thought, okay, I'll be a done for you copywriter. Like, I was happy doing that, but then I still had that itch to kind of create and create community and be in the spotlight. And I knew I had something to say about this actor's guide to copy. And so here we are. 


Oh my God, I love it. There's so many pieces to this story that I just wanna highlight. Like the fact that you were leaning into, like I always talk about this leaning into your strengths, your knowledge, your experience, your expertise from before, and how can you use that to propel you forward? Like how can you bring that in? So I love that you were using this background of your acting knowledge and what you're like, oh, this is how we have to stand out here in this very, you know, crowded space where there's a lot of competition. How can we translate that into copy for our businesses? Because it is the same. Like, we also have to stand out. I don't believe in an oversaturated market where there's not enough people to serve. Even if you're doing something, you know that thousands of others are too. But I believe in the importance of standing out from all of those people as well, so that like, you know, you can draw in your ideal customers and all of that. So I love that you used your background in acting to bring that into everything that you're doing now. How magic. 


Yeah. And I'm sure if you're listening out there, it's just really been taking a moment to think about what brought you to your business and it's likely that you have things in your background, skillset, what you did before. There is a connection piece there. It's something we talk about a ton inside of the Copy Confidence Society is how to bring that into, because that's like what you just said, Krissy, how you'll stand out. And I say when you actually do that, and there can be no such thing as competition, there can only be collaboration because there's something that makes you specific about that that maybe somebody else doesn't do. But then I always say like, it opens up the three R's, that people will remember you, rave about you, and refer you. So being able to kind of tap into what that other thing people forget or they think it needs to be some giant thing where often it could be that you have this skillset from your background that you're just not talking about enough that you could add into your business now. 


Yeah, exactly. One of our current BBB students, she has a wellness business. And then she sent me a message about some PR thing and I was like, oh, how do you know so much about PR? And she's like, actually that's what I do for my day job. And I was like, wait, what? How come I do not know about this? And you could 100% be leveraging your knowledge there to get your business more visible using your PR. And she's like, oh yeah, I could be doing that. So it's like, you know, all of your strengths, like you can be using these in your own unique way to have fun with and move your business forward. 

The other part of your story that I wanted to just highlight and point out is that you mentioned that we need to know how to write copy because we're doing it in all of the things. So like I love done for you services and I'm not even sure if you do done for you copy services anymore at this point.


No, No more. My full focus is the Society. 


Okay. I love it. So like we have done for you copywriting through our team, but we teach copy, you know, at smaller scale than what you are doing inside your offers because you need to know how to do it. Like even if you have someone write a sales page for you or whatever it is, you need to know how to write good copy because like you said, every single email, every single social post, even to pitch to get on someone's podcast or you know how to speak to someone, like that's still words like it's coming out of your mouth, but like it's still copy. So being able to speak in a certain way to make that impact, to stand out, to get people to take action. Like it's all copy related. So you have to learn the skill. 

woman at desk writing-how to write copy for your sales page with marisa corcoran

Yeah, I always say, like you just said, I always say copy is like water where you're always gonna need it. It's not going out of style. Even when what we're doing right now is copy, we're just talking about what we do. So in the Society we really try to prep people to really be able to create that copy for themselves so that they can do that. And then if they do pass it on to a copywriter, they're gonna be so set up for success with that copywriter because they're gonna have a strong idea of their voice, their vibe, like your word closet we call it. All these things that can really support a copywriter and you're gonna know what great copy looks like. So the ROI of that is just so beneficial. And like you're saying, even if you have a copywriter, somebody that writing for you in the future, being able to whip up an email when you need it or a social post or talk about what you do with clarity and confidence, you're always going to need that. 


Yeah, because it is challenging when you have to rely, if you're doing everything done for you and then you don't know how to do anything on your own, then you have to rely on everyone else. And it's like, what if I need to just whip up this page real quick? Like the other weekend I was like, Michael was gone with the kids and I was like, I'm just gonna pour myself a glass of wine, and I had this brilliant idea for like a new funnel and I was like, all right, I'm gonna create the opt-in page and I'm gonna create the freebie and I'm gonna create these emails. And like I had a blast doing it. If I had just outsourced everything and not learned how to write good copy or design the pages or set up the pages, like I would've just been like, great, okay, this idea I have to wait. And then the excitement would die. And then, you know, so it's nice to be able to be self-sufficient in some things when you need to be.


Yeah. It's such a great example of that Krissy is like when you're using it, you're able to like jump on that spark of creativity and use it and be able to whip this up for yourself. And then, you know, then you're able to see like also if somebody is writing for you, like you can see like what great copy is. And I say it's like, that's why I say it's like the number one skill you need as a business owner. I always say, your business has three basic needs. You have to sell in a way that feels good. If you don't have buyers, you don't have a business.  You have to know how to call in the right people to sell to. We refer, you know, as lead generation audience growth. And in order to call in the right people to sell to, you have to know what to say and how to say it in order for those two things to happen. So it's a skill that is really, really worth your time and energy and honing a bit for yourself. For sure. Yeah. 


Love It. Love it. Yeah. And there's so many like directions we could go with talking about copy, but I chose sales pages for a reason because it is incredibly important when it comes to conversions and things like that. So my first question that I'm thinking and like channeling, you know, the people listening, you know...


woman at computer smiling-does every offer need a sales page

Does every offer need a sales page? 

Oh, okay. I really, really, really love this question. So the answer is no, it doesn't. But I say this, no but, even if you don't craft a full sales page, knowing what the 10 steps to what we call a sizzling sales page, knowing those 10 steps, even if you don't have a full sales page, there's usually about three of those steps that you can still use for your offer, even if it's a one-on-one offer. So you don't need maybe a traditional kind of sales letter or sales page, but there's elements of it that you can take that you can kind of whip up for yourself that you can have to support if you're, you know, talking to people one-on-one, or if you're sending them something in order to help them make the best decision for them, there's something that they can go to for their buyer style to like see exactly what they need, the benefits, all of that. But you don't necessarily need a full out, like the full 10 steps. That kind of varies, but there's usually something you can take from it. I always say about three of the steps that can serve you for any offer that you have. 


Yeah. So it's almost like crafting the sales page kind of gives you the information you need to know to then plug into the other areas of like how you're gonna sell. So you mentioned like if you're on a call with someone, so like sales calls, right? Sometimes I think of like, if you have an offer, let's say you're a coach and you're doing sales calls in the very beginning for this new offer, and it's like your warm audience. People know you, you might not need a full on sales page to sell your offer, right? You're gonna get on a sales call, they already know you, they like you, they trust you. You're gonna be finding out what they really need support with. And then saying, can my offer do this? And you're gonna, you know, essentially pitch them that offer there. So you may not need a sales page for that, but what offers are, you're like, yes, you do need a full on sales page. Even if you're like creating a small version for something else. But like these fuller ones, like you said, the 10 step, you know, what offers are you like a hundred percent hands down. Yes. We need one.


What offers do you need a sales page for?

Yeah, totally. So the ones that you need hands down, yes… I feel I'm always available to be wrong, but where I found them to be the most supportive for people, and if so, if you're listening out there really thinking about like if you have a group program a group experience, a sales page can be really, really beneficial when you're selling kind of one to many. If you have a course, a sales page is fantastic. If you have a digital product, a product that maybe you're selling on evergreen, having a sales page. So usually when we start to get into that one to many, a group program, a course that's where kind of the 10 steps of what we call that 10 steps to a sizzling sales page, really can be so helpful for you. And once you create it, then you have it. And again, even if you're selling one-to-one even taking, like we said, elements of that and before you get on the sales call with somebody, even if they're warm, like sending them that page, that small page to look at so that they can bring more concrete questions together. So, it just makes the experience feel like you're truly helping people make the best decision for them. It's an asset that you can get into concrete questions with them, point them to certain places. So it doesn't feel salesy. It really feels like they have all the information they need and you're supporting them on the call to like answer those last minute questions or those things that they need. Yeah.


Yeah. Yeah. I love that. And I'm sort of thinking about before, before we hit the record, I always like usually hit the record even when we're just chatting 'cause it's like the really good golden nuggets come up when we're just like chatting about like, what are we gonna talk about? But I didn't, so we were talking about, you know, how the sales page like creating that, that can be this place to then grab copy and use in other areas. So, you know, kind of twofold question of like, when are you creating the sales page, you know, at what part in your process and then how are you also leveraging that, you know, for the other things that you're doing. Because what I often feel like people think about with a sales page is like, oh, if I just have this really amazing sales page, I can just send the sales page to people and like, and then they should be buying, right? Like, this sales page is amazing and incredible and so needed, but it's not, it's not the one thing that sells your offer, right? There's so many other pieces to it. It just plays a very important role in the conversion process. So talk me through a bit about that in terms of like how the sales page plays a role for you with everything else that you're creating. 


How does a sales page play a role in everything that you are creating?

Yeah, I'm so glad that you said that because it's an important cog in the wheel, but it is not the make or break. There's so many other little, I call it like sneaky copy or ways that we follow up with people or ways that we give those personal connection and the copy supports that. This is what I, I so love that you said that Krissy, and I hope like, you know, your listeners like really take that in is like the copy supports these other efforts that you have and make it, I'm never gonna say it's easy to run it there's days where I'm like, whose idea was this? But it can make it simple to be able to have that structure in place. So when we're thinking about, you know, your sales page, it's like that's for me if we're selling one to many and you decide you're gonna have like that sales page, that's the first thing that I tell people to create because it's gonna give you so much clarity on the offer, on your story that connects to it, on the benefits, on the features, on the questions. Having that in place, you then can take that and take parts of it and that can become the emails that you send, like the launch emails. You could have a whole email that talks about your story and why you created that program. And it could be taken copy and paste, like straight from the sales page. And so because you already have that created, you can use that for different emails that you might have. Social posts, because there's different buyer personas. So some buyers are gonna need to really see and hear your personal story to connect to help them make the best decision for them. So boom, that becomes an email. Other of your buyers are very much like, like q and a, like I need to see it and like really just list it out in a q and a form. So that's always my favorite email to send in the launch is the q and a email is this email that's like, here's the top 10 questions you have, this email has the answers to all of them that's taken right from the sales page. So, you know, and then being able to have more of like the benefits for people who really need to understand how this is gonna help them and how that connects to the specific parts of your program that again, can be taken right from your sales page. So your emails, your social posts basically get written by doing this first step. 

And also if you do take calls with people, you can point them to parts of the sales page. You can help like answer their questions using this asset. So I always say you create that and then like right now, at the time of this recording, we're going through kind of an email only launch for the Society, which is new for us. Usually we do our masterclass, we do all sorts of things, but we're doing an email only launch right now. And I was able to create all those emails like you Krissy, with a glass of wine using our sales page. It was like, well, let me go through and think about the different buyer personas and the 10 steps really help you understand what that is. And then you just get to have that and you can use it again and again. 


Yes. Okay. So I love that you talked about the sales page kind of being that first step because as you were saying that, I was thinking about one of our latest private clients and we actually created the sales page first and then, so he like had an idea for this course and program that he wanted to create for people in the construction industry. And it was like, okay, great, like you've got this outline, now let's create the sales page and actually the sales page then like things that we were coming up with in terms like to market this and all the features, it was like, oh, I think we really need to add this module so that we can just make sure it's super robust and like what we wanna say is like the benefits that you'll get out of this program, they'll actually get it. So the sales page even kind of informed some assets and aspects of the course that he was gonna create too, which is really cool. And then yes, like I love that you can kind of just take the sales page and then essentially like repurpose it, right? If you love that word, repurpose, if that resonates with you, you basically just take these different pieces and plug them in emails and social posts and all of this. I think for so long, even I was guilty of every email has to be different and different from the sales page. And because if they're hearing it there, then they need to hear something different here. And like, that's actually not true. They just need to hear basically the same few messages over and over and over again. So it's like you put it on the sales page and then you put it in the email and then you put it in your masterclass and you put it on your social posts so that regardless of where they are hearing it, they're hearing it. And if they're in all the places, they're hearing it again and again and again. So it like really rings. 

 happy woman writing at computer - repeating content from sales page to social media and blogs

Yeah, actually that repetition is so important for them to really make sure that it's right for them. You know, I'll talk to people that say, you know, I've gone through the sales page a few times, I checked it out and, you know, I saw you send this email. And they'll even say, you know, and I heard it before, but I heard it in a different way and I'm really ready for the Society now. So in fact, like letting yourself let go of feeling like you have to create something new every time and using aspects of the sales page to help you do it. And like, I love that example that you gave Krissy, because it really helps you flesh out what you're selling and being able to get more clarity from doing it. So it's just such a powerful asset to have, again, even if you don't end up needing, and some of the steps are like super short and simple, you know, but even if you don't end up having a, that full out kind of traditional sales page, these elements can be so, so helpful for, again, your emails, even if you don't even have anything written out, but you have an idea of what it is and you're on a call with somebody you can have that like in your brain to be able to bring up to somebody on a call just knowing like what three of the steps are and what it means for you in your offer.


Yeah. Oh my God, I love so much of that. And so many, like, I always hear like, oh, like I don't wanna be salesy, I don't wanna be, you know, come off as too much. Like how does having a sales page assist in that? Does that question make any sense?


How does having a sales page help you not be salesy? 

Yeah, For sure. Because it gives, I really feel like the sales page, it's like the proof of a concept. It's like, here's what it is, here's what that core promise, here's what you're gonna get from it. And then we back that up with testimonials, with the social proof, we back that up with your story, all these different, it just, it, it really kind of cuts through the salsiness. And again, especially the way that we, I like, I always say I'm always available to be wrong. I'm never one to like preach like a guru culture at all, but the way that we talk about it is really positioning the sales pitch to help people make the best decision for them. So also giving them, like, there's a couple of steps where I talk about getting people out, helping people say no if they need to say no, like specific sections where if people need to say no, they feel like they can, which is just a really beautiful way to have your sales page. So it really cuts through the salesiness, this helps people make the best decision for them, but you're backing it up with your own story, with the core promise, the people that you've supported, all of those things. The FAQs, sometimes just answering the plain like question, answer, question answer can really cut through the salesinessfor people and just give people those concrete details of what they need. 


Yes. I love everything about that. And all of those pieces, there is strategy behind them, where you're putting it, how you're positioning it and you mentioned, you know, the different personality types. So there is a right and a wrong way to do a sales page, right? So, you know, being able to know all of these little things that Marisa is talking about in terms of like where to put certain things on your sales page, how to position it on your sales page, the FAQs. There's even like strategy behind FAQs, like the questions that you're putting on the sales page, right? 


Yeah. And where do you find those questions? Sometimes people will just put questions in that's like, oh, what's included in the program? Oh, what is this like? Because that's what they're thinking. And you do want those, but there are some very like key places where your FAQs should come from. A hint is the questions that people have been asking you and actually use their words in the FAQ, like one of ours is, you know, I always, you know, start a course but I don't finish it. I'm worried this won't be different. That's literally one of our questions, you know. Then that's when I tell them like, Hey, it's not my goal for you to finish the Copy Confidence Society 'cause you're always gonna need copy for your business. You know? So being able to use their words in it and some things that I also see, like a lot of times people will really, it's a simple tweak but at the top of a sales page that's like such important real estate that especially if you have a quick buyer, somebody who doesn't need a ton of the info, I'll see people miss the opportunity to really grab them at the top of the sales page. So like steps one, two, and three are really, really set up to grab that person who doesn't need a lot, which again helps you cut through the salesiness 'cause you're giving them what they need in the beginning.


Yes. Yes. I was just in looking in a big group and someone had this question like, how long does my sales page need to be? Does my sales page really need to be very long like everyone says, and it's like, yes. I mean like yes and no, like kind of like, do I need a sales page or not? Like the long sales page is for the different personality types. 


Yeah. It's not for you. This is the thing that people don't realize. It's not for you. The right person is not looking at it going, oh my gosh, this is so long. If they are, that's not their buyer persona. So when people come to me and say, well, I don't wanna have a long sales page, I'm like, well, great for you. That's your buyer persona. You're a quick buy, but that might not be the people. So you, again, the way that I talk about sales pages is how do we help people make the best decision for them? How do we help them be a heck yes or a not right now or a heck no. Like how do we do that? So there are some buyer personas that will read every single detail on your sales page and they'll still email you to ask you a question and tell you there's a typo as well. Which I always welcome. I'm like, thank you for telling me. And they've read it. So if I didn't have that information on the sales page, I'm not helping them make the best decision for them. And so when people say that to me, I'm like, or people will go, well how much of my story do I have to tell? Like I don't know. And I'm like, okay, I understand. Let's find out what you need to, but it's likely that's not your buyer persona. You're not the buyer persona that needs that personal connection, but they are people who are like, that's my buyer persona. Half the time if I have a personal connection to somebody, I'm like, what did I sign up? What are the calls? That's not me. I'm like, what time's the call at noon? Okay, I'll be there if I have a personal connection. And the core promise is clear, there's something about that person's story and the core promise I'm in, I don't even look at the, oh, we're meeting at noon. Okay, I have to tell the team. Like I'll figure it out. So if somebody didn't have that or share that story, you would miss out on a buyer like me. 


Yeah. So I think that's really important. Just something to highlight is that there are different buyer personas and your sales page is to help facilitate every single one of those personas to decide if they're a heck yes, a not right now or a no. And there's a strategy and a step-by-step process behind that. So I think that's amazing to like, to get us started on this topic and conversation and kind of leave us really like, I'm so pumped now after just chatting with you here to come to the Access the Experts, y'all. And like I have written all of our sales pages, like I write sales pages, I know about it and I'm like still here like, oh my gosh, I know I can learn more and I can learn more from you and more tips or things that I've heard before that didn't resonate at the time and now I'll be like, oh my gosh, yes. Can I verify and double check that I'm doing that in my sales pages? So even if you have sales pages already, like come to this.  Audit your sales pages, use this as a process. So share with us more about what we can expect inside this Access the Experts session with you. 


Yeah. So we're gonna break down the 10 steps to a sizzling sales page. We do it with a little help from Dark Wing Duck. If you are a nineties kid like myself or you don't know it, what that is at all,

Dark Wing Duck is like a famous nineties cartoon where he's like solving crimes and Dark Wing Duck is the perfect companion to help you understand like how to like mine and figure out and like solve the mystery of your sales page. So we'll break down like the 10 steps to a sizzling sales page. I'm gonna show you some great sales pages in action so you can see examples of each one. And we'll also have, I really love to position it where we'll have time for you to ask your questions or bring your sales pages with you. So if there's a question about your own, the story part or the FAQs, we can kind of dive deeper into that. And then I will give you, it's like I will give you the Google doc, literally the workbook that we use inside of the Copy Confidence Society. Like I will gift it to you, it is yours to then go through and kind of fill in those 10 steps for yourself as well. And we'll also talk about, like, we kind of hinted at it here, just some of those mistakes I see people make at the top. So even bringing your sales page and just tweaking the top, like if you tweak nothing else but the top that could be such a game changer. So we'll talk about some of these little sneaky places that you could make changes at the top, in your FAQ section and what I call the come to Jesus moment in the end, how you're ending your sales page. So yeah. 


Oh my gosh, I love it. Okay, so your assignment after listening to this is coming up with your questions that you have about sales pages. And please, if you're watching on YouTube, drop them in the comments here. I would love to start getting these questions kind of compiled, but of course bring questions to the live chat. Come live so you can ask your questions. The other thing is, a lot of us feel like we don't have questions, like maybe I don't know what to ask, but then when you're attending live, questions come up, right? How many times have you been watching a training or something and they said something and you're like, oh my gosh, now I have a question. And if you're just watching the replay, you don't have the ability to ask that or get clarification. So that's a huge perk to coming live to this. So July 10th, use the link below this video or in the show notes, go check out the time that is on there and just mark it off in your calendar, rearrange your schedule, figure it out. It's gonna be incredibly valuable for you to be there. Even if you don't have an offer right now that requires a sales page like we talked about, it's gonna be an incredible asset to create. The other things that you will need to sell your offers regardless of if it's digital products, a workshop, a group program, a physical product through affiliate marketing, they all need sizzling copy and the copy that you create through your sales page to use to market your offer. 

So that's I think a good wrap up. Where can people connect with you until then? Because you give some, like I love watching your reels, you're always giving like little tips and tidbits on copy. And like how to inject your personality. And I've gotten so many great nuggets from there. So where can people find you and follow you until they get this deep dive with you?


Yeah. My favorite is over on Instagram. You can find me at mtoni. And I would love if you know you're out there and you're listening and you listen today and there was something that, you know, you were excited, you're gonna come to the class or you have a question already about sales pages, like, please DM me, it is me that will respond to you. So, you know, even DM me and say, oh, I listened to you on the podcast and I will always get back to you. And I think even if it's like, I wanna come to the class, but I don't have an offer, like what would I even be looking at? You know, I'm happy to give you a couple of things to think about that you can use like the sales page for even thinking about like the core promise of your offer and all that good stuff. So slide into my dms on Instagram. 


Love it. Do it. Friends, she invited you. For all the projectors out there.


Yes. Projectors. This manifesting generator is inviting you into my dms. Okay. This 5-2, Krissy, I thought it was a 6-2 manifesting generator up until last week when my mother finally found the birth certificate that had the time I was born. And it shifted me, I'm no longer a 6-2 manifesting generator. I'm a 5-2 manifesting generator. So I feel like I have a whole new identity. 


I love it. Okay. And friends, if you're like, what the heck is a manifesting generator? What are these numbers? By the way, like secret sneak peek we're bringing in someone for human design in a couple months. 


Oh yay. 


So I'm really excited to talk about that topic. But first we're doing sales pages. I'm doing sales pages. So this is incredible. Marisa invited you to slide into her dms to ask those questions, to share whatever it is with her so she can prep you for this Access the Experts. So again, use the link below this video or in the show notes to grab your free seat. Come live please. We have so much fun live together and share this with a friend. If you found value in this podcast alone, take a little screenshot, share it to your Instagram, tag both of us on social. I'm the @thekrissychin_ and you shared your little link there. So tag us. We would love to have you share this out. 


Get instant, lifetime access to our Access the Experts training with Marisa Corcoran.

Access the Experts image How to write a sales page with marisa corcoran

Until then, I'm excited. I'm gonna go like prep my questions just in case. I give you all first dibs on questions. But just in case it's quiet in the room, I will always bring questions and my sales page to sneak in there if you don't bring yours. So bring your sales page. All right.

I love this. Marisa, thank you so much for being here, for sharing your insights and I'm excited that this is not the end of our conversation, but just the beginning. 


And yes, I love it. Thanks for having me, Krissy. 


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