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How to Use Numerology to Enhance Your Business Productivity with Courtney Taylor

Badass Is The New Black (Season 6) Episode #31 - How to Use Numerology to Enhance Your Business Productivity with Courtney Taylor

small business growth and marketing strategies Sep 18, 2024

Free Introduction to Personal Year Cycles Course 


What if there was a tool that could help you align your efforts with the natural cycles of the universe, ensuring that your actions are perfectly timed and more effective? That tool is numerology, an ancient practice that uses the power of numbers to guide your decisions and optimize your outcomes. As online coaches, course creators, or direct sellers, you’re constantly seeking ways to improve your business strategy and achieve greater success and this is one way to do that effectively.





Understanding Numerology: How to Use Numbers to Enhance Your Business Strategy with Courtney Taylor

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the fascinating world of numerology with insights from Courtney Taylor, a modern-day psychic who blends social work, psychic mediumship, and numerology to empower women on their spiritual journeys. Courtney’s unique approach bridges the gap between traditional therapy and intuitive guidance, offering profound insights that can transform your business strategy.

 What is Numerology image with galactic DNA

What is Numerology and How Can It Help Your Business?

Numerology is a centuries-old practice that studies the mystical significance of numbers. It’s based on the idea that numbers are not just mathematical symbols but also carry specific vibrations and energies that influence our lives. By understanding these numbers, you can gain insights into your personality, life path, and even the best times to take specific actions in your business.

Every number from one to nine has a distinct energetic frequency, and each of these numbers represents different themes and lessons in life. For example, the number one symbolizes new beginnings, while the number nine signifies completion and endings. By calculating your personal numbers, such as your life path number or personal year number, you can align your actions with the natural flow of energy in your life and business.


The Power of Numerology in Business Strategy

When applied to business, numerology can help you determine the best times to launch new products, collaborate with others, or focus on different aspects of your business. Courtney Taylor emphasizes the importance of understanding your personal year number, which reveals the themes and energies that will dominate your life and business during a particular year.

how to calculate your personal day numerology number

How to Calculate Your Personal Year Number:

  1. Start with your birth month. Convert the month to a number (e.g., April = 4).
  2. Add the day of your birth. Convert the day to a number (e.g., 11th = 11).
  3. Add the current year. Use the full year in four digits (e.g., 2024 = 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8).
  4. Add these numbers together. Birth month + Birth day + Current year.
  5. Reduce the sum to a single digit. If the total is more than 9, add the digits together until you get a single digit. (e.g., 23 = 2 + 3 = 5).


  • Birth month: 4 (April)
  • Birth day: 11
  • Current year: 2024 (2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8)

Equation: 4 + 11 + 8 = 23 → 2 + 3 = 5 (Personal Year Number)

This number will guide you in understanding the opportunities and challenges you’re likely to face throughout the year. For example, if you’re in a year one, it’s a time for new beginnings and initiating new projects. If you’re in a year six, the focus may be on home, health, and nurturing relationships.


How Courtney Taylor Uses Numerology to Empower Women

Courtney Taylor’s journey into numerology began when she found herself at a crossroads in her life and business. Despite her success as a celebrity psychic, she felt lost and unsure of her next steps. It was during this time that she discovered numerology and began applying its principles to her life. The results were transformative.

By understanding the energetic cycles in her life, Courtney was able to make more informed decisions, align her actions with the natural flow of energy, and achieve greater success in her business. She now shares these insights with others, helping them to harness the power of numerology to enhance their own lives and businesses.


Applying Numerology to Your Business Strategy

So, how can you apply numerology to your own business strategy? Here are some practical steps you can take:

  1. Calculate Your Personal Year Number: As mentioned earlier, your personal year number is a key indicator of the themes and energies that will influence your life and business throughout the year. Knowing this number allows you to align your actions with the natural flow of energy, ensuring that your efforts are well-timed and effective.
  2. Understand the Energies of Each Number: Each number from one to nine carries a specific energy that influences your experiences. By understanding the characteristics of each number, you can better navigate the different phases of your business. For example, a year four might be the perfect time to focus on building solid systems and foundations for long-term success.
  3. Plan Your Actions Around the Cycles: Once you know your personal year number, you can plan your business activities accordingly. If you’re in a year five, which is associated with change and adaptability, it might be a great time to explore new opportunities, expand your network, and embrace creativity.
  4. Use Numerology for Daily Planning: Numerology isn’t just about long-term cycles; it can also be applied to daily activities. Each day carries its own unique energy based on the day’s number, which you can calculate by adding the digits of the date. Understanding the energy of the day can help you plan your tasks more effectively, ensuring that you’re working with the flow rather than against it. 


How to Calculate Your Personal Day Number:

  1. Start with your Personal Year Number (calculated as above).
  2. Add the current month. Convert the month to a number (e.g., June = 6).
  3. Add the current day. Convert the day to a number (e.g., 13th = 13).
  4. Add these numbers together. Personal Year Number + Current month + Current day.
  5. Reduce the sum to a single digit. If the total is more than 9, add the digits together until you get a single digit.


  • Personal Year Number: 5
  • Current month: 6 (June)
  • Current day: 13

Equation: 5 + 6 + 13 = 24 → 2 + 4 = 6 (Personal Day Number)

 Numerology and collaboration-building stronger partnerships


Meaning of the numbers 1 through 9 paired with business activities that fit for each day

Here is a break down of the meaning of the numbers 1 through 9 paired with business activities that fit for each day. 


Number 1:

Meaning: Independence, leadership, new beginnings, originality.


  • Lead the charge on a new product launch or course offering.
  • Create fresh content that speaks directly to your ideal clients.
  • Kickstart a leadership initiative for your team or collaborators.
  • Develop a new series for your blog or podcast that shares your unique insights.
  • Launch a new coaching program or digital offer to attract more clients.


Number 2:

Meaning: Balance, harmony, cooperation, relationships.


  • Collaborate with another coach or expert on a joint venture or course.
  • Host a team-building session to foster collaboration within your business.
  • Schedule 1:1 sessions with clients or team members to deepen relationships.
  • Partner with a like-minded business to co-host a webinar or workshop.
  • Create a balanced content strategy that includes both educational and promotional content.


Number 3:

Meaning: Creativity, self-expression, communication, optimism.


  • Design engaging visuals for your website or social media that reflect your brand personality.
  • Write blog posts that express your story and connect with your audience.
  • Record a video or podcast episode that highlights the benefits of your services.
  • Create a fun challenge or contest for your audience to participate in.
  • Develop a new signature framework or process that showcases your creativity and expertise.


Number 4:

Meaning: Stability, structure, hard work, organization.


  • Set up a system to track client progress or course sales.
  • Create a comprehensive content calendar for consistent outreach.
  • Organize your digital files and streamline your business processes.
  • Set up a regular email schedule to keep clients engaged and informed.
  • Analyze your current offerings and identify areas for improvement or expansion.


Number 5:

Meaning: Change, freedom, adventure, versatility.


  • Try out a new marketing strategy, like running ads or exploring a new platform.
  • Review and revise any processes that aren’t working for you.
  • Attend a virtual business summit or networking event to explore new opportunities.
  • Collaborate with a different type of business to expand your reach.
  • Take a day to do something outside your routine that fuels your creativity and growth.


Number 6:

Meaning: Love, family, responsibility, harmony.


  • Host a community-centered workshop that connects with your audience on a personal level.
  • Share client success stories or testimonials to build trust.
  • Offer personalized coaching or consultation sessions for your clients.
  • Partner with a cause you care about and donate a portion of sales.
  • Take time to reflect on your "why" and spend time with loved ones who inspire your business journey.


Number 7:

Meaning: Spirituality, introspection, wisdom, analysis.


  • Reflect on the deeper impact of your work and create content that aligns with your values.
  • Dive into the data—analyze what’s working and what needs adjustment in your business.
  • Seek out mentors or experts to gain wisdom and grow your skillset.
  • Offer a masterclass or educational series that shares your expertise in a meaningful way.
  • Spend time aligning your personal growth with your business goals.


Number 8:

Meaning: Success, abundance, power, achievement.


  • Set ambitious revenue goals and map out a plan to achieve them.
  • Launch a high-ticket offer or premium course that highlights your expertise.
  • Collaborate with industry leaders or influencers to elevate your brand.
  • Invest in professional development to sharpen your business acumen.
  • Celebrate your achievements and step into a mindset of abundance and success.


Number 9:

Meaning: Completion, compassion, humanitarianism, endings.


  • Reflect on your business journey and celebrate the milestones you've achieved.
  • Host a virtual fundraiser or charity event to give back to a cause you care about.
  • Plan a closing offer or phase out an old product line to make room for something new.
  • Show appreciation to your clients and team with personalized thank-you messages.
  • Begin planning the next phase of your business with a focus on sustainability and impact.


These specific actions tailored to each number in numerology can help you infuse intention and purpose into your business every day.

numerology and what each number means


Numerology and Collaboration: Building Stronger Partnerships

One of the most powerful ways to use numerology in your business is to enhance your collaborations. Whether you’re working with a business partner, team member, or client, understanding their numerology can help you build stronger, more harmonious relationships. Courtney Taylor explains that by knowing the life path numbers of the people you work with, you can better understand their strengths, challenges, and communication styles.

For example, if your business partner has a life path number that emphasizes leadership and innovation, you might want to involve them in strategic planning and decision-making. On the other hand, if a team member’s life path number indicates a talent for detail-oriented work, they might excel in roles that require precision and organization.

By aligning your roles and responsibilities with the natural strengths of your collaborators, you can create a more efficient and effective team, ultimately leading to greater business success.


Overcoming Challenges with Numerology

While numerology offers many benefits, it’s important to remember that challenges are a natural part of any cycle. Courtney Taylor emphasizes that numerology isn’t about avoiding difficulties but about understanding them and using them as opportunities for growth. For instance, if you’re in a year nine, which is associated with endings and letting go, you might face challenges related to closure and releasing old patterns. However, by embracing these challenges, you can create space for new opportunities in the next cycle.


The Future of Numerology in Business

As more entrepreneurs and business owners discover the benefits of numerology, it’s likely that this ancient practice will become an increasingly popular tool for business strategy. Whether you’re looking to optimize your productivity, build stronger relationships, or achieve greater alignment in your life and business, numerology offers valuable insights that can help you reach your goals.


Final Thoughts

Incorporating numerology into your business strategy can be a game-changer. Imagine being more productive every day because you have planned your business activities in advance according to your personal number allowing you to tackle activities that would best suit your energetic state. By understanding the energies that influence your life and business, you can make more informed decisions, align your actions with the natural flow of the universe, and achieve greater success with less effort. As Courtney Taylor’s journey shows, the power of numerology lies in its ability to provide clarity, direction, and a deeper understanding of the world around you.

If you’re ready to explore the transformative power of numerology in your business, start by calculating your personal year number and aligning your actions with the energy of the cycle you’re in. And don’t forget to explore the daily energies as well—this simple practice can help you stay in tune with the flow of the day and make the most of every moment.

For more insights on numerology and how to apply it to your business, be sure to follow Courtney Taylor on Instagram or visit her website

And if you’re looking for personalized guidance, consider booking a session with Courtney to dive deeper into your numerology and unlock the full potential of your business strategy.

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