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How to Get Media Coverage: Gloria Chou’s Proven PR Strategy

How to Get Media Coverage: Gloria Chou’s Proven PR Strategy [Badass Is The New Black S6E33]

small business growth and marketing strategies Oct 16, 2024

In today's fast-paced business environment, public relations (PR) isn't just an optional extra—it's a necessity. Whether you're running a small business, offering coaching services, or selling products, your success hinges on visibility, credibility, and trust. For women entrepreneurs and business owners, especially those juggling multiple roles, mastering PR might seem daunting. However, with the right approach and strategies, you can integrate PR into your routine without feeling overwhelmed.

I recently interviewed a PR expert Gloria Chou, on the podcast who provides actionable steps to help you simplify and optimize your PR pitching process. Whether you're new to PR or looking to refine your approach, these tips are designed to empower you to take control of your brand’s narrative and grow your business.






Why PR Matters in Your Business Strategy

Public relations plays a critical role in shaping how your business is perceived. While marketing focuses on promoting your products or services, PR is about managing your reputation, building relationships with the media, and positioning your brand as a leader in your industry. Effective PR can lead to media coverage, which in turn increases your visibility, credibility, and sales.

However, many entrepreneurs shy away from PR because they perceive it as time-consuming or too complex. The truth is, with the right tools and mindset, PR can be manageable, even for the busiest business owners. The key is to approach it strategically, starting with a solid foundation.

 The-CPR-Method-Your-Blueprint-for-a successful-PR-Pitch

The CPR Method: Your Blueprint for a Winning Pitch

One of the most effective frameworks for crafting a compelling PR pitch is the CPR Method, developed by Gloria Chou. This method breaks down the pitching process into three simple, yet powerful, steps:

  1. Capture: Begin your pitch with a strong hook that immediately captures the recipient's attention. This could be a surprising statistic, a bold statement, or a thought-provoking question that piques curiosity and encourages the journalist to keep reading.
  2. Point of View: Clearly communicate your unique point of view. What makes your perspective different or valuable? This is where you differentiate your pitch from the countless others that journalists receive daily. Make sure your angle is relevant to the journalist's beat or current trends.
  3. Relevance: Your pitch must be timely and relevant. Tailor your message to fit the current season, industry trends, or ongoing conversations. Journalists are always on the lookout for stories that resonate with their audience, so ensuring your pitch is relevant increases the likelihood of it being picked up.

Let’s break this down further with an example. Suppose you run a Pilates studio and want to pitch a story to a health magazine. Instead of leading with, “I own a Pilates studio,” which doesn’t stand out, you might start with, “Three Pilates exercises to ease recovery after hip surgery.” This hook immediately captures attention, offers a unique point of view by addressing a specific issue, and is relevant to readers interested in health and fitness.


How to Delegate PR Tasks Without Losing Quality

Once you’ve mastered the CPR Method and created a few successful pitches, it’s time to consider delegating the task. As a busy entrepreneur, your time is valuable, and while PR is important, it shouldn't take up all your bandwidth. This is where delegation comes in.

You don’t need a PR major to handle pitching for you. Instead, look for someone on your team—or even an intern—who is comfortable initiating conversations and handling potential rejection. The key is to train them on the basics: how to identify angles, write pitches, and follow up persistently.

Pro Tip: Establish a routine to keep the process organized. For instance, you could dedicate Mondays to reviewing and drafting pitches and Tuesdays to sending them out. By batching tasks, you make the process more efficient and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.

To maintain quality, consider setting up a dedicated email inbox for pitching, separate from your customer service or personal emails. This not only helps you stay organized but also ensures that your PR communications are professional and focused.


The Importance of Follow-Up: Persistence Pays Off

One of the most overlooked aspects of successful PR pitching is the follow-up. It's easy to assume that if you don't hear back after sending a pitch, the journalist isn't interested. However, the reality is that journalists receive hundreds of emails daily, and your pitch can easily get buried.

Following up is not only acceptable but expected. A polite, persistent follow-up can significantly increase your chances of getting noticed. This could be a simple reminder email or a direct message on social media, gently nudging the journalist to check your email.

Pro Tip: Use an email tracking tool to monitor whether your emails are being opened. Tools like these can provide insights into whether your pitch was seen and help you determine when and how to follow up. For example, if you see that your email was opened multiple times, it's a good sign that the journalist is interested, even if they haven't responded yet. This is your cue to reach out again and foster the relationship.

Another effective follow-up strategy is to connect with the journalist on social media. Compliment them on a recent article or engage with their content before sending a follow-up message. This shows that you’re genuinely interested in their work and not just pushing your agenda.


Crafting a Subject Line That Gets Noticed

Your subject line is the first thing a journalist sees, and it needs to grab their attention in just a few words. The subject line should be intriguing and informative, encouraging the recipient to open the email and read more.

Here are a few key tips for crafting an effective subject line:

  • Keep it short and to the point: Aim for no more than 6-8 words.
  • Focus on the story, not your brand: Instead of “Pitch from K+C Creative,” use a subject line like “3 Pilates Moves for Post-Surgery Recovery.”
  • Avoid using your name, company name, or the word ‘pitch’: These elements don’t add value to the subject line and can make your email feel like a generic marketing message.
  • Make it relevant and timely: Align your subject line with current trends or seasonal topics to increase its relevance.

For example, during the winter months, you might pitch a story like, “Winter Wellness: How to Stay Active Indoors with Pilates.” This subject line is timely, relevant, and focused on the story rather than promoting your business directly.


The Role of Your Website in Your PR Strategy

A professional website is a cornerstone of your PR strategy. When a journalist receives your pitch, they will likely visit your website to learn more about you and your business. This means your website needs to be polished, informative, and aligned with your brand.

For service-based businesses, ensure that the pages linked in your pitch provide detailed information about your services, testimonials, and case studies. If you're pitching a product, the product page should be optimized for conversions, with clear images, descriptions, and easy-to-find purchase links.

Pro Tip: Include your website link in your email signature. This allows journalists to easily access more information about you if they’re interested. However, be mindful not to overwhelm them with too many links. Focus on quality over quantity—direct them to the most relevant page.

Having a well-maintained website not only boosts your credibility but also shows that you're serious about your business. In 2024, having a professional online presence is non-negotiable. A website that’s easy to navigate, visually appealing, and rich in content can make a significant difference in how your brand is perceived.

We would love to help you create a website that checks all of these boxes if you don’t already have one! Check out our Done-For-You Services and let’s connect so we can get you set up with a professional website that will take your PR strategy to the next level.


Why DIY PR Is Often More Effective Than Outsourcing

It might be tempting to outsource your PR to an agency, but there are strong arguments for keeping it in-house, especially in the early stages of your business. Personalized pitches that come directly from you or your team are often more effective than those sent by a PR agency.

Journalists value authenticity and relevance. When they receive a pitch from a business owner who is genuinely passionate about their story, they're more likely to engage with it. On the other hand, pitches from agencies can sometimes feel impersonal or irrelevant, especially if the agency isn’t deeply familiar with your industry.

If you decide to delegate PR tasks, make sure your team members understand your brand voice and messaging. Even when someone else is sending the pitch, it should still feel like it’s coming from you.


Practical Tools to Streamline Your PR Efforts

Incorporating a few practical tools into your PR strategy can save you time and help you stay organized. Here are some tools that can enhance your PR efforts:

  1. Email Tracking Tools: Use tools like Mailtrack or HubSpot to track whether your emails are opened. This can provide valuable insights into when and how to follow up.
  2. CRM Systems: A customer relationship management (CRM) tool like Kajabi, ActiveCampaign, Klaviyo for e-commerce businesses), or HubSpot can help you manage your media contacts, track communications, and streamline your pitching process.
  3. Media Databases: Services like Cision or Muck Rack offer extensive media databases that can help you find the right journalists to pitch your story to.
  4. Social Media Tools: Tools like Hootsuite or Buffer can help you schedule and manage social media follow-ups, ensuring that you stay on top of your outreach efforts.


How to Learn More: The CPR Method Masterclass

If you’re eager to dive deeper into PR and refine your pitching skills, Gloria Chou offers a free, on-demand masterclass that teaches the CPR method in detail. This masterclass provides line-by-line examples of successful pitches, helping you understand exactly how to structure your PR communications for maximum impact.

You can access the masterclass here. By investing time in this masterclass, you can gain the confidence and knowledge needed to take your PR efforts to the next level. Whether you're aiming to secure media coverage, build relationships with journalists, or simply improve your overall communication skills, this masterclass is a valuable resource.


Taking Control of Your PR Journey

Public relations doesn’t have to be an intimidating or overwhelming aspect of your business. With the right mindset, strategies, and tools, you can master the art of PR pitching, even as a busy entrepreneur. Remember, PR is all about building relationships and telling your story in a way that resonates with your audience and the media.

By implementing the CPR method, staying persistent with follow-ups, and utilizing practical tools, you can increase your chances of getting noticed by journalists and securing valuable media coverage. Moreover, keeping PR in-house allows you to maintain authenticity and ensure that your brand's voice shines through in every pitch.

At K+C Creative, we understand the unique challenges that online entrepreneurs face in today's competitive market. Our mission is to empower you with the tools and strategies you need to succeed, whether it’s through effective PR, strategic branding, or high-converting website design.

One tool that can make a huge difference in your PR efforts is our Press Kit Template for Canva.


Designed to save you time and kickstart your business branding "pitch," this template allows you to:

  • Introduce yourself and share important details about your business with collaborators and future clients
  • Demonstrate your professional skills and services to attract income-generating opportunities
  • Get featured on podcasts and secure press opportunities to market your brand

By using this professionally designed template, you’ll have a polished, ready-to-go press kit that will help you stand out and communicate your brand’s value. It’s the perfect resource to include in your outreach efforts, giving you the confidence to pitch your story and expand your reach.

If you’re ready to take your PR game to the next level, start by incorporating these tips and tools into your routine. And remember, the most important part of PR is simply showing up and telling your story. The more you pitch, the more comfortable and successful you’ll become.

For more insights, tips, and expert advice, stay tuned to our blog and connect with us on social media. We’re here to support you on your journey to business success.


Ready to Elevate Your Brand?

We also specialize in helping entrepreneurs like you build a strong online presence through strategic branding, website design, and more. If you're looking to enhance your brand and stand out in the market, let's connect! Contact us to learn how we can support your business goals.


📌 Important Links:

Watch Gloria's free PR Masterclass

10 Easy Ideas to Get Your Small Business Featured In The Media For Free

Follow Gloria on Instagram

Link to Beth Nydick’s Podcast

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