Badass Is The New Black (Season 4) Episode #9- Building a Brand That Supports Multiple Passions
Apr 13, 2022Do you have multiple businesses or different passions and are struggling to figure out how to blend them into one? Maybe you're wondering if you need to have a different website for each? This week I'm speaking to entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs about how to create a brand that encompasses all your different income streams.
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Building a Brand That Supports Multiple Passions
Today we are going to talk about one of the most common issues that I get asked about. This issue seems to especially come up a lot with network marketers. There are those who choose a network marketing company and they do well with it and that is their one thing they do and that’s great. But there are also those who start with network marketing and it becomes a launch pad into entrepreneurship. That was certainly the case for me and a lot of people I know. A lot of multi-passionate entrepreneurs find themselves using network marketing as a vehicle to launch into offering other services or maybe other products even for their business and really expanding.
Finding the Common Link
The biggest question that I get is how do I blend these two together? Speaking from my own experience and for other multi-passionate entrepreneurs, as we continue to learn more and evolve, our businesses will want to as well. So it is important to get really clear on how to make them work together. How do we use them synergistically together to build as opposed to building them in opposite directions? If we're putting in the effort for one, how can we blend so they benefit each other?
This is a topic and an area that I have been kind of passionate about for a very long time. Before I ever launched GroWorkSpace or even knew that was a business I was going to have, I was focusing on building my network marketing business. I had this idea to launch a group on Facebook because I wanted to create a resource that would help different professionals learn how to use the products I was selling. How could they use these products and combine them synergistically with the business that they already have to bring in another revenue stream. For example, how could a massage therapist or a chiropractor incorporate these products and the network marketing business into their existing practice? What about a nurse or a teacher or a personal trainer? How could they incorporate this business model doing affiliate products and using referral links to promote a product alongside their business?
Do I Need Two Websites?
One of the biggest questions that I get asked by people who are starting to think about expanding their business is “do I need two different websites for both of the things I offer?”
You figure out the commonality. Or when you are establishing your brand, you figure out that umbrella brand that has the overall message, how you’re trying to serve. Then your little pieces or revenue streams fall into place under that.
One way to get super clear on your branding, your messaging, your strategy, website design and copywriting, is to enroll in Digital Duplication Academy which just opened! You have until April 18th to register, the link is below.
One of our coaches, Sherri, helps our students with their branding. On one of our coaching calls Sherri was helping Kate, who is a student, figure out how to incorporate her many passions into her website. Kate has an essential oils business, but she also has a huge passion for helping homeschooling moms, writing homeschool curriculum and teaching others about natural living. Sherri encouraged Kate to take a step back and look for that common thread between each of those things so that as someone came onto her website it would make sense to see each of those things there. Someone might come to her because they want to learn about homesteading or natural living, and then they’ll see the oils content or the homeschooling content and they’ll want that too. So she needs to be very clear on her messaging, who she is here to serve, and then the menu can showcase all the ways she can serve them.
Clear Messaging
It’s also important to get really clear on your why first. Why are you passionate about these things? Why are you building this business? Then get a clear picture of who your common audience is. What are their needs, their interests, their goals? Once you have that messaging worked out, then all your different businesses will be facets of that one overall message. How can we tailor the message on our website to attract the right person?
Then you want to consider the freebie you offer as well. You can have multiple freebies that would appeal to different subsets of your target audience. For example with Kate, she might have one freebie that is geared at homeschoolers and one that is geared at natural living. Or you might put your products together as a product suite and you intend for people to start with the first one and then move to the next. On my website I have a page of tools that I use in my business and most of them are affiliate links. So my target audience can see my recommendations but that is also a different revenue stream for me.
So I hope that helps you get some clarity on how you can have multiple businesses or passions on the same website and combine multiple streams of income in a way that makes sense and helps grow your business. Once again, for those who join Digital Duplication Academy, we are opening it up until April 18th for anyone, and you get lifetime access to the trainings. Our coaches will help guide you through the process of defining your brand and your target audience, creating beautiful design, writing copy that attracts the right people and automating your business so you can be efficient, save time and make money while you sleep. Make sure you go check it out!
How to Build a Wildly Profitable Website Without Knowing a Thing About Tech
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Digital Duplication Academy OPEN NOW!
Important Links:
Designing Your Website to Convert with Claire VanBemmelen- Previous episode
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