Badass Is The New Black (Season 2) Episode #14: How to turn the NEW virtual normal into a POSITIVE and PROFIT for your business
Mar 12, 2022
(Season 2) Episode #14: How to turn the NEW virtual normal into a POSITIVE and PROFIT for your business
I definitely feel like this whole COVID event is THE shift into Millions more taking things online and figuring out this whole virtual thing. That means TWO things for you. One good and one bad.
The GOOD news is - that even MORE of your ideal clients are getting online. So if you get online they will be able to FIND YOU!
THE BAD news is that EVERYONE is going online which means you will have THAT much more competition.
So you REALLY NEED a personal brand for your business so it sticks out. Here is the secret. EVERYONE has a personal brand.
But MOST people do not develop their personal brand into anything useful. BUT everyone can take their mini brand, put some intention into it and develop it into something really magical that can serve you and your business every single day.
Check out this week's episode to find out how!
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