Badass Is The New Black Episode #4: How To FINALLY Get Started Or Unstuck
Mar 12, 2022Badass Is The New Black #4: How To FINALLY Get Started Or Unstuck
Hello and welcome back to Badass Is The New Black podcast. A podcast where I share how to be badass in life and business. This my friends is episode four and I am your host Krissy Chin.
I want to start this episode off with a little Mark Twain.
He says “the secret to getting ahead- is getting started.”
And he couldn’t be more right.
In Episode 3, I gave you one magic ingredient to having that million dollar idea. Do you remember what it was? Taking action. Of course, if you didn’t listen you can go back and do that. (Listen Here)
One of the biggest questions I get asked about taking action is, “Where do I start?”
Well, that's a good question. I have no idea. Just kidding. What I mean to say is… I have no idea where you are at in the process of what you are trying to accomplish or what you are working on so I can’t give you an exact answer.
Feel free to connect with me on Instagram and all the details with me!
But for now, for the sake of trying to do you a solid, I am going to give you a few ideas on how to “take action” and “get started” you can absolutely apply these and make some progress.
And by the way, you may have started a long time ago and you are just kinda stuck in a rut and not really moving forward. That point in the process counts for needing to “get started,” again. You’re going to get unstuck by taking new action.
OK so...
Tip #1 Do NOT overthink it. No matter what you do. Do not get into your head and over analyze everything. I know who you are out there! You think about what you want to do and then you over-analyze it all and get analysis paralysis and so you just don’t do anything.
This may NEVER change for you. But if you recognize that you have a tendency to do that…. To freeze dead in your tracks because you keep thinking about all the bad stuff, all the hard stuff, what could go wrong, what you don’t know how to do. Learn to recognize that and snap yourself out of it.
I have been pretty successful and I still fall victim to this. I have been thinking about building my personal brand and an email list for it for a year. A whole gosh darn year. And I kept overthinking it. I know how much work it takes because I have done it before in my thriving business. So I kept thinking about ALL the things I needed to do and all the things it is going to take instead of the ONE thing I can do right now that can get me one step closer to achieving my goal.
I started making excuses instead of taking action.
What I knew...
I knew I would need to create a freebie, that I could use to get email addresses from my audience. And the one thing that was holding me back on doing that was that I didn't have the skills to make that free opt-in “pretty.” I didn’t want to take the time to learn. I also didn’t have a website to link them to. I didn’t have professional pictures that could go on the website. I didn’t know how to connect my domain to my Kajabi account. I just kept thinking about ALL the things I didn’t know how to do instead of what the one thing was that I did know how to do and could do right then.
Believe it or not, after ONE year of hemming and hawing over getting this whole thing started, I decided one night, at midnight, to just sit down and start typing out a list of the 5 steps I used to create my email list for my first successful business. I put together the content in under an hour. Of course, the next step was making it pretty and I didn’t know how to do that but I had taken action and done something I could do here and now.
One week later I was contacted by someone who wanted to be my virtual assistant. I wasn’t even shopping for a virtual assistant. This came out of nowhere. I interviewed her and then two other people appeared out of nowhere also asking to be my virtual assistant. Want to know the one that I went with? The one that said “Oh, I could help you make that PDF you need for your free opt-in”
That was the main thing that was holding me back from “starting” for a freakin year! You better believe I hired her on the spot and said let’s start with that PDF and see how it goes!
Because I had put on my big girl panties and said enough is enough and cranked out the content for the free opt-in that one night at midnight. I had my part already created and I just needed to hand it over to her.
A few days later I had a beautiful PDF created with the content from my head ready to share.
This story is the perfect example of how taking action on ONE thing you have time for and the ability to do can lead right into the next thing that needs to be done even if you have NO idea how it is going to happen.
OK, Tip #2.
Don’t wait until you know exactly how you will get to the end to get started. I see the end as clear as day. And just like I talked about before If I get discouraged by all the things I don’t know or obsess over this idea of being perfect. It’s not perfect yet, I can’t release it. I am never going to get started. And if I never get started, I can’t ever get to the end.
It is a process for everyone and everyone struggles. You are not alone my friend. But do that next thing you can, so you are continuously moving forward.
Tip #3: Before we get to the action plan is to stop consuming and start doing. Often times when we don’t know what to do or feel too overwhelmed with what needs to be done, we just keep consuming.
Like somehow listening to everyone tell me what to do is going to magically get it done for me.
NO! That’s not how it works and you know it.
More information is just going to keep overwhelming you.
So stop consuming and start doing.
I know it’s scary. What happens when I complete the thing I can and then I get to that thing I don’t know how to do. Guess what. You will figure it out. You are smart, you are a problem solver.
So now that you are ready to “take action” I want you to get out a piece of paper and write down all the things that you “think” you need to do to reach that end goal.
The list may be LONG. Or it may be really short because you don’t know what the heck you are doing.
That’s a whole different kind of overwhelming but it doesn’t matter. I promise.
Look at that list and then circle the things you write down what you can do NOW. The ones that either doesn’t take much time or the ones you know how to do. The other ones that you don’t know how to do or seem way too overwhelming right now. Just leave those be.
Then, just pick the first simple thing to do from that list and knock it out.
As you knock off the list of the smaller things you can do NOW, you will get to the point where you can handle or will know how to accomplish the ones you aren’t sure about just yet.
Lets recap on the tips.
Tip #1: Do NOT overthink it.
Tip #2: Don’t wait until you know exactly how you will get to the end to get started.
Tip #3: Before we get to the action plan is to stop consuming and start doing.
I hope this was helpful in helping you take action. If it was and you want to hear more from me on how to be badass in business and life, please subscribe to the podcast. I would also love to hear about your wins from those little action steps you are doing to move forward.
Connect with me over on social media. You can find me on Instagram by searching The Krissy Chin or Badass is the new black. Until next week do yourself a favor and get SOMETHING crossed off your the list.
One of my favorite sayings is “done is better than perfect” SO use this week to live by that quote from some unknown genius.
P.S. In case you have not already be sure to GET my FREE gift to help you get started on crushing your DREAMS! Click the link below!
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