Badass Is The New Black~Episode #1: Intro: Be a Badass In Business & Life.
Mar 12, 2022
Hello and welcome to Badass is the new black. A podcast where I share how to be badass in life and business. This my friends is episode one and I am your host Krissy Chin. I guess you are my imaginary friends because I literally don’t have any listeners yet. Like I said this is episode one BUT soon this will be out in the world and we will be instant friends.
Today I thought it was only appropriate to talk about what this podcast is really about, what Badass is the new black really means, and give you some solid advice on how to start your journey to badassery.
So let's dive in.
What does it mean to be a Badass?!
Being Badass is not about being the BEST and coolest, although it’s really cool when that happens as a result of becoming badass.
It’s about being you for you. Not to impress others but because life is easier when you are you. Not when you are pretending to be someone else. If you’re goofy be goofy, if you’re nerdy, be nerdy, If you’re proper, be proper, if you’re outspoken and opinionated, be outspoken and opinionated!
* It’s about recognizing your weaknesses not as flaws but rather as areas for growth.
* It’s about finding your strengths and playing to them in life AND business.
* It’s about being grateful for the things you have while still working for more and being excited about the things to come.
* It’s about knowing you aren't perfect and believing you don’t have to be.
* It’s about getting up after you fall down and LEARNING from your mistakes so you don’t make the same one again.
* It’s about giving yourself grace and love.
* It’s about believing in yourself. And if you don’t believe in yourself YET then surround yourself with people who do believe in you! And hell, if you can’t find those people you can come to hang out here because I believe in you!
I could go ON AND ON about what I think it means to be badass but the other cool part about this whole thing or movement is that being badass literally IS THE NEW BLACK. It is never going out of style. I believe that it will ALWAYS be cool to be yourself and work at being the best version of yourself.
I am literally always two years behind the trends-Fashion-wise. Cute hats are in style, I warm up to the idea two years later. Gauchos in style? Two years later I started wearing them right as they were going out of style. Hopefully forever. High wasted shorts. JUST NOW starting to wear them. I maybe 3 or 4 years behind on that one.
Point is- I haven't always been on with trend so I LOVE it when I can be a part of something that is literally timeless. I don’t have to worry about whether or not it’s on-trend.
Let me tell you that I don’t care who you are, where you are from, and where you are going. It is ALWAYS going to be cool to be yourself.
When you are yourself and not pretending to be someone else you are more honest, genuine, more likable to your tribe because they can relate, you are less stressed because you are not pretending and living this lie.
So what is the first step to self-discovery?
A lot of people have no idea who they really are or maybe they have lost themselves.
When I became a mom my whole life was turned upside down. I remember sitting in a friends house in Frisco, Colorado and everyone was out skiing except for me and my 18-month-old. And I just started bawling. Is this really my life? If you don’t know my story, I got pregnant because I was married to my sweetheart and so it was a bit of a shock and adjustment and I remember crying saying out load I will NEVER be single again. And what I meant was I will always have kids and I felt like I have gotten lost in my new life and it took some time to realize that the old Krissy was still there and I just need to figure out how to make her and my new lifestyle work.
It takes TIME to self discover. You are not going to listen to this, sit down and reflect for 10 minutes and think AH HA!!!! I know exactly who I am and who I WANT TO BE. That is another key part. Maybe the person who you are today isn’t really who YOU are or who you WANT to be.
So who DO you want to be?
On my ongoing journey of self-discovery, I would follow people on social media that I thought were SO cute, amazing, funny. Anyone who I had a girl crush on I would try and be like.
Well, that is self-discovery 101: DON'T TRY AND BE SOMEONE ELSE. But I say that is bullshit. What I did was I tried to be everyone else and I learned real quick what was me and what wasn’t me.
The parts that were easy to do were me. and the parts that felt icky and awkward were not me. So I actually used trying to be someone else, as a way to discover who I really am.
I am sarcastic, I am funny, at least I think I am. HAHA, you’re funny if you laugh at your own jokes right? I am goofy, I am scatterbrained, I'm a horrible multitasker, I am working on being more honest and vulnerable, I am an OK mom. I am NOT the best mom. Well, my kids think I am…. Sometimes. Until I take their iPad away. I am good at networking and I am really good at surrounding myself with people are good at what I am not good at. I only like to do things I am good at, I will try things I am not good at but it takes me a while to work up to it.
I have embraced the good and the not so good about myself and it feels really good. Every day I am working on how I can be better for myself, for my kids, for those around me and that feels even better.
So if you want to start to discover who you truly are, start pretending to be everyone else and you will quickly discover who you are and who you ARE NOT!
Friends, thank you for sticking around and everything you do. Until next week, keep working on yourself.
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