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​Badass Is The New Black (Season 6) Episode #28 - How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind to Manifest Your Dream with Mindi Huebner

mindset Aug 07, 2024

People are failing in business because their brain needs to be reprogrammed. It's not your fault and it is reprogrammable. And that is what Mindy helps you do. Mindy Huebner is an intuitive mindset mastery coach and IBCP certified NLP practitioner, health life and success coach and clinical hypnotherapist. She is obsessed with using subconscious reprogramming to help high achieving women in business reveal and release their limiting beliefs and embrace the confident, wildly successful humans they already are on the inside.

I talk about strategy with your funnels and your website all the time because that's what we help people do. But if you don't have the right mindset, it doesn't matter. You need them both. Which is why I was insistent on getting Mindy to come into our Access the Experts series to help you reprogram your mind to create your success identity. Every month we bring in an expert to deep dive into a topic beyond my area of expertise in our Access the Experts series. 

The value in these trainings range from one hundred dollars to five hundred dollars. And you and your friends are welcome to come at no cost to you. So before we dive into this episode, hit pause, use this link to save your free seat for our next Access the Experts training.

You may have missed joining us live, but you can get instant, lifetime access to the amazing training HERE.







Mindi, welcome to the podcast. I am so excited to have you here. Like, I just got chills. That's how excited I am. 


I am equally excited and so obsessed with your audience. I cannot wait to dive into this. 


Yes, okay, mindset. I weave mindset into my trainings, all the things that I do because I know it is incredibly important. But it is not the main focus. Obviously, everyone listening knows, you know, this of what I teach. So I love bringing in experts and I just want to hear a little bit more of your story.


Like, we have some similarities in our backgrounds and things that we've done. I dabbled in it. You did it, you know, more professionally. So let's just hear a little bit on your story of how you got here, teaching mindset and all of the things that you teach around it. 


Thank you. Yes. So I was in direct sales for 17 plus years. I have taught, coached, mentored my entire adult life, and I was training nationally for my company, top in sales. Like anyone who was really deep into direct sales, like on stages, all that good stuff, so many crowns when I was finished with my career and in, I don't know, I think, like 2015, 2016, it all gets blurry after you hit age 50, the doors to my division we're going to close. And a little bit prior to that, I had started really wondering about, you know, I have this super successful business. I make a lot of money. I work hard. It's good. Why am I so tired? Why, why does this not quite feel as good as it could feel? And so I took a deep dive into habits, like, what makes us tick? Why do we do what we do, those types of things, neuroscience, brain neuroplasticity, all that good stuff. And realized I had a limiting belief. And my limiting belief was that rest was lazy.

 rest is lazy-person laying on a pillow on her phone

Oh. Oh, man. Oh, man. 


So I didn't rest. And when I did, I felt guilty, like there was no just lying on the couch kind of what we deserve. And so then when the doors did close, I took that as this beautiful opportunity to say, okay, now I'm going to create something else even better and way more sustainable so that I work less, make more and love my life. That's even that much more extraordinary. And that's what I did. And it all comes down to mindset and identity. Like, who am I being and what's my relationship with that? 


Okay, I love that. And it's so aligned because I always talk about, like, hey, let's work less and earn more. Like, why not? I actually do not have an issue with relaxing. I can, like very easily, like, I'm checked out. But there are a lot of people that do have that. And there's so many other things. Like, that's not my thing. There's so many other mindset things that I run into, right? So it's not like, oh, like, I don't have any mindset issues. Oh, no, they're there, right. It's just they show up in a different way. But I do know a lot of people… my mom's that way. She’s, like, go, go, go, like, always doing something. When we were kids, I never remember her being “sick” or, like, needing to be in bed all day because she was sick. It was like, I'm going, I'm taking action. I'm doing, you know, the things, whatever it was, caring for the kids in the home and all of that. So definitely someone close in my life that, you know, has more of that mentality. So I've experienced it, you know, from the outside. Maybe that's why I am the opposite way. 


Truly, very much could absolutely be why. And I do want to let everyone know I've recovered from that for the most part. And I now believe that rest breeds productivity and it breeds creativity. I am much better at resting and truly, like, actual rest, not like fall over rest, because I've, you know, gone too long, too hard, burned myself out one too many times. Rest is my favorite productivity tool, hands down. 


I love that. And I love that you've been able to overcome it, because that shows us that we can reprogram. 




So let's get into a little bit more of that. And, y'all, we're going to, like, deep dive into this in the Access the Experts training. So again, sign up for that. Don't worry. I'll remind you a few more times before the end of this episode.


But let's get into this, this idea, this concept of the subconscious mind, which I'm so fascinated with, the subconscious versus the conscious. We use the word mindset a lot, but I know you talk about identity, so I want to know, what's the difference between mindset and identity? 


Yeah. So mindset is your relationship with XYZ. So my mindset was my relationship with rest and/or what laziness meant. Right. That was my mindset around that, my beliefs and my attitudes towards it, like, how I thought and felt about what rest meant. 


My identity is who I'm being, how do I perceive myself? And so while those things, like, they go in conjunction with each other. So with that example, I believed that rest was lazy. Therefore, in my identity, if I was resting, I was lazy. So I needed to prove that I wasn't. Who was I being? I was being the person who was not lazy, who hustled 24/7 who, you know, said, oh, I could sleep when I'm dead kind of a thing. Identity is who we are being. And then what are our dreams and desires? What are our goals? And our identity then also becomes, who are we being in relationship to this goal? Who are we being so that this goal comes to fruition and our mindset is our relationship with the goal. Like, what do we believe about our capability of the goal? Do you feel the difference? 


I do. Yeah, I definitely feel the difference. But I also feel like they're very closely tied together. 


They're very closely tied together, yes. 


Connected. Deeply connected. 




And then how does that play in relation to the subconscious versus the conscious?


Yes. So, first of all, your subconscious thinks in pictures and sounds and feelings. That's the first thing I want you to know about. And tuck that away, because we're going to come back to that. The other thing about your subconscious is it does 95%. It is operating 95% of who you're being and the actions that you're taking and what you're thinking and your attitudes. And so when you think about that, that tells you 5% of your efforting, of what you do, you do. Consciously, like, you're consciously doing it. 


There's a book called the Ant and the Elephant. And it's all about the conscious and the subconscious. Think about it like that. The elephant is 95%. The 5% is the ant. You're trying to steer the subconscious without tapping into it, without understanding what misalignment is doing to you. 


That, for me, like, I just want to pause there because I know the power of the subconscious. I've never heard it in the form of a percentage. And that, for me, was just mind blowing to hear that the subconscious is running 95%. And I could get this wrong, so correct me 95% of, like, what we're doing, of what we're really thinking about and, like, how it's manifesting out in our actual life and if you are new to conscious versus subconscious, the subconscious is what you don't know.


Like, you don't really know unless you're tapping into it or doing exercises, which I know is what you help people do, tapping into that, to kind of become more conscious of your subconscious.  Correct?


Your subconscious is also. It stores memories and things like that. So subconsciously, it's not that you don't always know. It's that it filtered through so quickly and just went in, that you don't necessarily recognize that this is programmed into your subconscious. 


Right, so okay, for example, you launch a course out there, and someone gives you a little constructive criticism, and you are devastated by it, right? Like, you have this just immense reaction to it. And possibly because when you were a child, you received some criticism that was really hard on you, right? And so your subconscious remembers that, remembers that feeling, brings it back, and you're not even aware of, like, oh, my gosh, why am I?


And so that's where I think the maturity comes into play. When you're really doing the personal work is like, you can take a step back and be like, oh, my gosh, why did I respond that way? Or to a client or something? When something comes in and you're like, oh, my gosh, why did I just have, like, that embarrassing reaction? Right? And then digging deeper to be like, oh, my gosh, it's because of this potential in my past that is filtering the emotions and then working through that and reprogramming so that doesn't happen again.

 How your brain filters thoughts-delete distorts and generalizes

So let's talk about the filtering and the power of the question why and when to ask it, and when I believe in my not so humble opinion, when not to ask it. So you have a couple of filters going on. First of all, your brain deletes, distorts, and generalizes based on your beliefs. So take that in again, deletes, distorts, and generalizes based on your beliefs. If you believe rest is lazy, your brain will delete, distort, and generalize the data coming in to prove to you that rest is lazy. Okay. Because it's going through the rest is lazy filter. Just that alone, you're like, wait, what? I mean, most people are like, say that again. Not only that, you have a RAS, you have a reticular activating system, another filter that brings you, in very simple terms, what you expect and anticipate.


So the more you expect and anticipate you being lazy when you're resting, the more you expect and anticipate in the direction of something that is unhelpful or not actually what you want, the more you get it. You're always winning the game you're playing. Always. 


Okay, tell me more. Tell me more. I'm, like, sucked in now. 


So the other piece about your subconscious as well, and identity… So let's go there. You think a thought over and over again, habitually, it becomes an I am statement, and the words we say after I am are some of the most powerful words in the universe. So we've got this I am statement now. It creates feelings, emotions, body sensations. We then create habits to prove it to ourselves, to prove whatever this is. So if you're continually saying unhelpful and or disempowering things to yourself, like… 


I can't be successful.


Okay, perfect. Right. 


Do it. Let's get right in. 


Let's get right in. Like, I can't be successful. You win. Right? Like, your brain is going to delete, distort, and generalize based on that. You're going to create habits to prove it to yourself. You're going to self sabotage. Welcome to the club. We all do it. Let me say that again. We all self sabotage in some way, shape or form, as a protection, as a belief. We give ourselves the illusion of control over the pain. So, right, I can't be successful. Right. So I'll just, like, prove it to myself by halfway doing this thing, or, you know, showing up, like, a little bit here and dropping the ball. Like, I'll prove it to myself. And then, look, I was right. Well, yeah, because you're always winning the game you're playing. So I said I would say why?


Like, when the question of why, I love why. When we're talking about what we want, what we desire, our goals and dreams, why in the direction of all of our limitlessness. Because immediately when you say why, the next words out of your mouth are because. Think about if you have children and they do something that you're not thrilled about, why did you do that? Because. And then they tell a story and we do the same thing and we get stuck in our stories.


And so instead of asking ourselves, like, why did I react that way? Why did that criticism upset me so deeply? Why? Why? Why? When it's something that we don't like or want or is unhelpful, it's not that we don't ask the question. It's that instead we say, what? What made me think that, feel that, say that, do that. It moves us away from our story and allows us to get a bigger picture in it. It moves us from because we'll just go right into it. And there's no shame in that. This is you, us, learning how to unlearn what's just automated in us. And so instead, what made me react that way?  Well, wow, I don't know. It made me feel like I'm not good enough then when somebody said that. What makes me think I'm not good enough? Well… and we may or may not get back to the root of the person when we were a child that, you know, said XYZ to us or proved XYZ to us, we don't even have to get to the root all the time or, honestly, any of they time…


Ok, that’s encouraging.


…in order to reprogram the subconscious. It's all up to you. If you wholeheartedly believe… I just was working with a client about this. She totally believed I have to get to the root. I have to know. I have to know. That was a limiting belief, and we didn't say this, but a limiting belief is any belief that limits you from being anything and everything that you want and having anything and everything that you desire.


So I have to get to the root is a limiting belief that was protecting her from taking action because if she kept telling herself, well, I have to get to the root. Like, I have to get underneath this and underneath that. What was that doing? Stalling her. Stalling her action taking. 


If you're watching on YouTube, like, you just physically saw me take, like, a big release breath because I was like, how relieving is that that we don't have to get to the root? And I think that is this, you know, quote, mindset work, the personal work, this is the hardest work and can totally be done, and it can have such a powerful impact that, you know, that's why you're here, Mindi, like, to bring you in because it's so powerful. And maybe hardest is the wrong word. 


I agree with hardest. 


You agree… and I was going to change it to the scariest work.


It can also be scariest.


Because, oh, my gosh, do I need to tap in? If you're not a feeler and you're not an emotional person, you're like, oh, my gosh, do I have to all of a sudden become emotional? Do I have to feel things now? Do I have to go back into my past and relive traumatic things to break free? And so that, um, what you just said there, that you don't have to get to the root cause actually to make the impact or make the change or reprogram was, like, a huge relief to, like, maybe you don't actually have to revisit that traumatic experience to, like, make the change and get the results that you want. So if you were scared of that before, you now have the permission to not be scared about that. It sounds like from what Mindi is saying, that we can make a really big change and reprogram what we need to reprogram without sometimes getting to the root cause. 


I agree. Yes. Yes. This is also mindset work, the work that I do, identity, all of those things. Not therapy. Right? Like, this isn't therapy. If you, if you want to get to the root, you want to talk it and talk it and talk it, I encourage you to find a therapist. And I'm not being tongue in cheek about that. Like, I highly encourage that. And I work with teams all the time. I have clients that have therapists and they have me and they have business coaches and, right. This is the mindset work, identity work. This is about, this is what I want. This is who I want to be. What is keeping me from what I want and who I want to be. And now let's tap into how I can be more successful. And it starts, the rewiring of the brain starts by word swaps, like swapping one word for another and swapping the questions like, we just swapped why.


We said why in the direction of what we want. And when it's like, why am I doing this thing that I don't like to do? Instead of saying, I would say, what, what is causing me to do this? It allows us to just have this step back instead of the immediate, like, oh, because I'm going to tell my story. Right. And the reason that we tell the story, and then I'll stop talking, I promise.


No, it's good. 


The reason that we tell the story is because your subconscious also is always going to take the path of least effort. So if the easiest thing to do is tell the story, you're going to tell it. If the easiest thing to do is self sabotage, to stay in the known, which we haven't even talked about that yet. Stay in the known, which some people sillily call the comfort zone because we know it's not comfortable to stay in lots of our known zones. Right. The subconscious will stay in the known because there's way less effort involved in staying in the known and being who you already are and the emotions that you've already practiced and the disempowering, unhelpful things that you already say and do. It's so much easier to stay there than to move into the unknown. So you get to align it up with you, you get to reprogram it, you get to tell it who's in charge. 


Which is empowering.


So empowering. You are so powerful. Because remember, it becomes an I am statement. You create habits to prove it to yourself. I bet everyone right now listening, they can come up with a place where they're doing something disempowering. However, on the other hand, where they're doing something empowering, where they are an amazing XYZ. They do XYZ consistently. And it's because they thought a thought, they thunk a thought around it habitually. They created an I am statement. I am…


Bad at tech. 


Are you in my head? 


Yeah, you guys, like, because we work with a lot of people in the wellness space and health and wellness, y'all are so magical at serving people really well and connecting with people really well and making an impact in their health and their wellness and what you're doing. And so you're like, yes, I'm good, I'm empowered and I'm doing this. And then you come to me and I hear you say this statement all the time, I'm really bad at tech, or I'm really bad at systems, or I'm really bad at automation, which is why you're seeking me out and why I'm here to help you. But let's also get to the empowering state where you don't have to say those words and I can still help you.


Exactly. So I'm so glad you brought that up, because I have said I am bad at tech many, many, many times. And then I remind myself, I'm getting better. I am capable of learning more. I am getting this, like, notice the shift. So this is a beautiful place to go to affirmations, because some people are going to know about affirmations. I believe that affirmations are extremely helpful when you tune into them in a way that serves you. Like I say affirmations all the time. Most of us aren't going to go from I'm bad at tech to I could whoop Krissy's butt on putting a funnel together, right? Like, we're not going to… I'm not going to say that. However, most of us can't go there. Now, there are some people who actually could make that jump. Like, they'd be like, yeah, I can do this. Most of us are going to go, I'm bad at tech.


I can get better at tech. I'm a woman who wants to understand tech. Notice we're stair stepping the affirmation to lean into it, because if it's a total lie your brain's like, meh, no, thanks. However, if it's like, well, I can lean in that direction, then it will. Then it will lean in that direction. In my experience with myself and all my clients and the thousands of women that I have helped, that is what I see happen every single time.


Okay. Just incredible. You've shared so many little nuggets. Like, I've been in this space doing my own mindset and personal work for a very long time. And you said things in a different way, whether it was just like this moment in space that I needed to hear it. I hope, you know, if you're out there listening, that you got your one little golden nugget where you're like, oh, my gosh, light bulb moment, and you feel empowered that you can do this, that you can do we say change your subconscious, or what's the language that we use for that? 


Reprogram, rewire, change, shift. Any of them. 


Yeah, whatever feels good. Whichever one you like the most, that you can do this. And it's. I don't know, just. That's it. That you can do this. 


You're that powerful. Truly that's what we really want you to take away. You are that powerful. You're always winning the game you're playing. What game do you want to win? That's the question. What game do you want to win? The I'm bad at tech game. You win. Do you want to win the I can get better and hire someone to help me game? You win. 


I love that. Okay, so let's talk a little bit about how you're going to go deeper with this, with everyone, because everyone who's listening is going to sign up for this training that you're going to do. Call it a training, a masterclass, a workshop. Whichever word resonates with you the most. What can we expect in this training?


First, we're going to go from goal setter to goal getter. Because remember, 5%, remember 5/95. And you know that there's room for fluctuation in there. However, that's the gist of it. Your goal setting with your conscious brain. Your goal getter is your subconscious, and it thinks in pictures and sounds and feelings. So I'm going to teach you the framework to align those two things. We've got seven keys that you use to set yourself up to create the container for success. And then we're going to walk through the mastering your outcomes and creating a 24 karat outcome. And this whole time we're going to be aligning what you say you want with how you're going to get there, right? And programming your identity, expanding your identity, releasing the limiting beliefs that are keeping you from being the woman who. And so when we think about identity, the other piece in there to remember and something that we'll go a lot deeper into is conflicting identities and stuck identities and knowing that, oh, I'm going to say this, and then I'm not going to say anything else about this because you're going to want to tune in for this.


I hate it when people do that, but it's so good. Every identity is a role with a goal. 

Every identity is a role with a goal. So tuck that away, too, and remember that. But when we have a stuck identity, because we're flipping through identities all the time. Right now, you're Krissy the podcast host. You're even Krissy the business owner. Right? You're Krissy the colleague. You got a couple things going on in here. 


Who you're not being right now is Krissy the mom or Krissy the wife. You're not being those people. It wouldn't serve you or me for you to be momming me on this podcast or talking to me like you talk to your husband, right? Or treating me in that way. What happens is when we get stuck in an identity or when we don't allow our identities to expand and cycle is when we run up against brick walls all the time.


So we're going to talk through that and really give you practical strategies. This is how I recognize it, because that's the other thing that's going to happen. Just like today, you've got this elevated awareness. After the masterclass, your awareness is going to be on high alert overdrive, where you're recognizing all the ways that you're expecting and anticipating how it's serving you and how it's not and how to flip it.


Ooh. All right, I'm excited to tune in. Are you guys excited to tune in? 


Okay, two things. One, I want to have you share… Is there anything other than y'all use the link below this video in the show notes. Again, your seat is free. There's so much value here in this training that you're going to get access to, and you're going to be able to ask Mindi questions live. So when you come live, you get to ask questions, right? That's why it's called Access the Experts. You get access to her. So it's so incredible. Is there anything that you want the listeners to do in the meantime? Because we have a couple weeks before the training. If you're listening to this live, if you're tuning in a little bit late, that's fine. The time is short and that's okay. Anything that you want them to do to prepare or prep for this training? 


Yeah, that's a fabulous question. I would love for them to know what one goal is and they're going to hear me… like, goals are a direction, they're an aim, they're a purpose. Goals are absolutely necessary. Outcomes are the results that we actually get. So I work in outcomes. I want you to think about, I am highly encouraging you to have a goal/outcome that you want to manifest, you want to create, so that when you come to the class, you can really dive into that particular one and we can talk about what's stopping you and what sort of plan we can have around it and all those things. This is a beautiful marriage of science and woo. And then we're going to make it tactical so that you can put it all together and you will walk away like a new human if you allow yourself to. 


Okay. I love that. So you're going to sign up for the training. You're going to grab your free seat, you're going to share it with a friend who you're like, this could also really help you. And you're going to think of a goal or outcome that you want and you're going to bring that to the training.




And you're going to be changed forever. 




Forever. In the most beautiful, best way possible. 




This has been incredible. Are there any lasting thoughts that you want to leave everyone with? Because this is not goodbye. This is just, we'll see you soon. So is there anything else that you're like, man, I really need to hit that before. 


I want to remind you that you get to ask yourself, without shame, without guilt, who am I being? Who do I want to be? You get to be tapping into that identity on a regular basis. It doesn't have to come automated. And while it is automated right now, recognize who am I being right now? Am I being the woman who. And if not, no guilt, no shame, none of that. Just go. Huh, that's interesting. What's keeping me here when I want to be there, when I want to be that favorite version of myself? Start tapping into who am I being? Who do I want to be? It will really… you'll start shifting your RAS and your brain. IUt'll start deleting, distorting, and generalizing right in that direction of, oh, I want to be her. This is what I think about her. 


So powerful. And if you feel like, okay, what's the next step? What do I do? How do I do that? The next step is coming to the Access the Experts training and getting more from Mindi and hearing what she has to say and allowing yourself to open and expand and ask her questions.


Come with questions if you want prepared, if you don't have any, no worries. Sometimes they come about while she's going through everything. So we'll be taking questions in this process as well. 


Mindi, this has been incredible. You've opened my eyes even more, and you've just excited me more into this space. Like, I thought I was doing a really good job, and I'm just like, oh, my gosh, there's more. There's more I can tap into. There's more I can shift. There's more I can reprogram, and that excites me. Like, I'm really excited for that. And the thought of the ease that it will create, because I talk about that all the time. You guys, like, make it effortless, make it easy, work less, earn more. And there are moments where I, too, am, like, I just got myself in this rut where I feel like I'm working too hard. Like, what is going on? So you're constantly needing to grow and expand and pull out these tools to then get out of that space and back into where you want to be. You know, I don't know if that's the discouraging thought of, like, once you make a breakthrough, it doesn't mean you're going to be perfect forever. But, like, I think that's also the powerful, empowering fact, is that you can revisit and grow and expand, and, like, that's just the nature of being human. And this beautiful soul that you are is that you do get to continue to grow and expand and evolve and tap into it deeper and tap into it more, and then it brings up more stuff, and you get to tap into it again. Like, it's an ever growing thing, 


And it gets to be delicious, right? It gets to be that evolvement, that next version of you, right? That gets to be, like, so good. This or something better. This or something better. 


Yeah, that's a great point, because while I kind of painted this picture of, like, oh, you make progress, and then you fall back. Like, you never fall back to where you were because you've grown since then. 


You can't. 


Yeah, right. So like, you can’t. I'm so excited for everyone to come.


Mindi, thank you for being here, for taking the time to just like get us started on this path and this journey and this topic. And I cannot wait for what's to come in the training. Remember, link below this video in the show notes. Grab your seat, share this with a friend. If you found value in this podcast, take a little screen grab, throw it up on your stories. Tag us please. 


Mindi, where can everyone connect with you also, in the meantime, to get more from you?


Yeah, find me on Instagram. I love to like get busy in the DM's like helping you talking through all that kind of stuff. So find me on Instagram @mindihuebner like, I'm everywhere @minidhuebner. 


Perfect. Super consistent. Love it for the brand. Love it. That link will be, it'll all be in the show notes so you don't have to remember if you're driving. No worries. It'll be there. Mindi, thank you again and we'll see you soon. 


Get instant, lifetime access to our Access the Experts training with Mindi HERE.


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